TV & Movies
All The Marvel Easter Eggs Hidden In Disney+’s Ms. Marvel So Far
Episode 1 was essentially an Easter egg convention!

Marvel is back (as if it could ever really go away at this point) with another screen adaptation joining its long roster. Enter Kamala Khan (Iman Vellani), also known as Ms. Marvel, the MCU’s latest, and youngest, superhero addition. As the lead of the new Disney+ series Ms. Marvel, she goes from fangirling over the Avengers fangirl to discovering her own powers, breaking ground as the sprawling franchise’s first Muslim superhero in the process.
Despite being a landmark comic character, Kamala’s onscreen adaption has been changed somewhat, the chief tweak being the amendment of her powers. In the comics, Kamala was able to stretch and “Embiggen” parts of her body thanks to a Terrigen Mist that mutates genetics; however, in the show it’s her great-grandmother’s bangle that allows her to create crystalline structures for protection and propulsion, as well as enlarged fists. Although her comic roots may have been changed, her foray into the MCU isn’t without several other comic callbacks, including Easter eggs hidden for die-hard Marvel fans to spot. Here are the all the ones you can expect to find so far.
A Callback To The Creators
One of the first Easter eggs you’ll find in Ms. Marvel is a nod the comics’ creators. At the beginning of the pilot, we see a plaque at Kamala’s high school, and visible on the plaque are several names: G. Willow Wilson, Stephen Wacker, Adrian Alphona, Jamie McKelvie, Ian Herring, Takeshi Miyazawa, Joe Caramagna, and Nico Leon. All of the people listed were involved in Ms. Marvel’s first ever comic run in 2014. Wilson served as a writer, Wacker was an editor, and Alphona was the run’s main artist, with additional help from Leon and Miyazawa. Herring was the colonist, McKelvie created the series’ cover, and Caramanga served as letterer.
A large part of Episode 1 revolves around Kamala trying to convince her parents to take her to AvengerCon. The name’s fairly self-explanatory. First of all, the convention itself is held at Camp Lehigh in New Jersey, the very same military base where Steve Rogers, aka Captain America, was trained, and eventually injected with super serum. And before Kamala even arrives at the convention, her parents burst into her room dressed in clear Hulk cosplay.
When Kamala and her friend Bruno (Matt Lintz) are discussing her costume for AvengerCon, there’s a shot of Kamala’s bag that’s covered in Avengers pins. We also see some images of Dr. Strange and Captain Marvel merged as one character, we also see a zombified Captain Marvel, as well as Brie Larson’s Captain Marvel in all her cosmic glory.
A Lot Of Asgard
There are also plenty of Asgardian allusions at AvengerCon, chief of which is the merchandise. Viewers got a glimpse of a shirt that reads “Asgard Pride,” written in rainbow coloring. Fans will know by now that Asgard is located on Earth following the events of Avengers: Infinity War, but the specific inclusion of “Pride” is what stands out about the brief sequence. As is the case in the MCU, Valkryie (Tessa Thompson) is both the King of Asgard and one of Marvel’s most famously LGBTQ+ characters. Being that Thor: Love and Thunder is the next slated MCU project, Ms. Marvel is potentially laying the groundwork for a Valkyrie love story in the next film. Not to mention that Tessa Thompson already announced that Valkyrie will be looking to find her queen in the fourth Thor sequel at ComicCon in 2019.
The Original Ms. Marvel
At the cosplay contest that takes place at AvengerCon, Kamala and Bruno see Zoe Zimmer (Laurel Marsden), Kamala’s popular high school bully. Zoe is dressed as a version of Captain Marvel, just not the one most MCU fans would imagine. Instead, Zoe’s decked out in a mask and a red sarong over a leotard, which Bruno ironically says is “not even accurate.” And while that’s true for the MCU’s Captain Marvel, Zoe’s cosplay is actually styled after the character Miss Marvel, the original moniker of Captain Marvel, and she’s wearing her original comic suit.
Sloth Baby Productions
The very first scene in Ms. Marvel features an in-depth recap of the climax of Avengers: Endgame, narrated by Kamala herself. As we see, Kamala has recreated the cataclysmic fight in with stop-motion paper animation. What’s more interesting is that the paper Captain America in the video has a shattered shield, just as he did during the fight, which calls into question just how much the public knows about what went down in the fight for our universe. Other heroes crop up in the video: Wanda, Valkyrie, The Hulk, Iron Man, and Thor. There are also Hawkeye, Okoye, Gamora, and Groot, who’s referred to as “Mr. Tree.” She takes special time to outline Captain Marvel’s dramatic entrance into the battle, which is a great nod to Kamala’s obsession with the hero.
Kamala’s channel itself is called “Sloth Baby Productions,” a nod to Kamala’s stuffed sloth from the comics; it also shows up on a T-shirt in Episode 1. Plus, we can see some other Sloth Baby Productions content, namely, a deep dive into Ant-Man and the Wasp’s love life. Kamala also details her theory that Thor (Chris Hemsworth) is an active gamer. Yet despite being a major fan of the Avengers, she reveals that most of her knowledge, comes from Scott Lang’s (Paul Rudd) podcast, Big Me, Little Me.
Edison Electric
After the chances of going to AvengersCon begin to sour, Kamala and Bruno meet on a rooftop to have a vent session. There’s a neon sign near them that reads “Edison Electric.” That name isn’t by chance: Edison Electric is a fictional company in the MCU, one whose abandoned buildings are used by The Inventor, one of Ms. Marvel’s antagonists. Now, The Inventor hasn’t yet been confirmed in the series, but it could be a major nod toward a villain to come. It’s also worth mentioning that during one of the Sloth Baby Productions montages, we see Gregory Knoxx, a supervillain who accidentally became a cockatiel after trying to clone Thomas Edison. The significance of that last name feels too frequent to be accidental... Something’s afoot.
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