Bridgerton S2 Steamiest Scenes, Ranked
The actual act is limited, but the allusion to sex are high – and breathless.

We’ve come to know Bridgerton as both a wholesome yet steamy Regency-era offering from Shondaland’s hit Netflix series. Season one was a total hit, and broke records around the world reaching 82 million households in less than a month. Yes, season one was jam-packed with romance, sex, and sheer chaos – mostly between Daphne Bridgerton and the Duke of Hastings. And yes, season two hasn’t quite had the same, er, raunchy scenes, but that isn’t to say it doesn’t have it’s fair share of sexual tension. The focus of our lusting attention now? Jonathan Bailey’s Anthony Bridgerton and Simone Ashley’s Miss Kate Sharma, of course.
Based on Julia Quinn’s second novel, The Viscount Who Loved Me, season two of Bridgerton follows the journey of Anthony Bridgerton as he sets out to find a wife and viscountess that can support him in his familial duties. Enter the Sharma family. After Edwina Sharma is named the diamond of the season by Queen Charlotte, the race is on for her suitors to secure her hand in marriage. The catch is that get close to Miss Edwina, they must first gain the approval of her “didi” (elder sister) Kate. And of course, in true Bridgerton fashion, the Ton is never short on drama – or indeed, sexual tension. So here, dear readers, is a break down of the steamiest scenes of season two of Bridgerton, ranked.
Anthony Bridgerton and Kate Sharma, Caked In Mud, Episode 3 - 2/5
This is the first time we see Anthony and Kate actually enjoying each other’s company. Their competitive sporting spirits blend with a hint of flirting. The crowning glory? A mud bath. (Not that kind though.) However, we then see them both fall in a mountain of mud attempting to retrieve the ball and things heat up between the two real quick.
Bosom-heaving levels: Solid, but easily overcome. The lingering eyes begin...
Sexual tension rating: Like a blunt knife through warm butter. There’s definitely some sexual tension is definitely in the air but it’s pretty subtle and understated, it’s as if the two are feeling each other out to begin with.
Anthony & Kate Go Hunting, Episode 4 - 3/5
If this season was to be known for one thing, it’s the longing stares and the heavy breathing, and no scene encapsulates this more than when Kate joins the men on a hunt. Her bare leg is flashed (and seen) by Anthony – which of course causes him to get flustered. Finding themselves alone together, Anthony “teaches” Kate how to hold a gun for a scene that is all heavy and longing breathing.
Bosom-heaving levels: High.
Sexual tension rating: A knife through a peach. The tension has definitely grown between our favourite pair, but I’m sure leaning in and breathing on someone’s neck will do that.
Kate Is Stung By Bee & Gets Very Close to Anthony, Episode 3 - 3/5
In an extremely similar scene in which Anthony witnesses his father’s death, Kate is stung by a bee on her neck which sends Anthony into sheer, unadulterated panic. In an attempt to calm him down, Kate takes his hand and places it on her chest so that Anthony can feel her heartbeat, syncing their breath as they lean in to each other and are mere inches from kissing.
Bosom-heaving levels: Extremely high. Anthony in particular cannot cope, bless him.
Sexual tension rating: Medium, like slicing a peach and just avoiding the stone. Similar to the previous entry, the sexual tension is very real and the physical proximity very close.
Daphne Bridgerton Walks In On A Very Close Anthony & Kate, Episode 4 - 3.5/5
After intensely dancing with each other at the Bridgerton Ball, Kate tells Anthony that she’ll be leaving for India once her sister is married. This takes Anthony by surprise and they both storm off to the library where they exchange strong words – with more heavy breathing, of course – and come dangerously close again to nearly kissing. Had Daphne not walked in, they and seen the two of them in quite the compromising position.
Bosom-heaving levels: Extremely high. This scene will probably leave you as breathless as Anthony and Kate are, mere millimetres away from each other’s lips....
Sexual tension rating: Like slicing through a cucumber sandwich: crisp, but soft. What’s sexier than a kiss? A near kiss.
The Wedding Scene, Episode 6 - 4/5
This whole episode is worthy of making it onto our list as it’s not only packed with secret heated moments but also when Anthony and Kate are finally found out, and what better place to be found out than at the altar. By your younger sister. In front of the queen and the entire ton. Bridgerton truly delivered on messy chaos. This is also the episode where we finally see Anthony and Kate kiss, as a goodbye of sorts, and they absolutely make it count.
Bosom-heaving levels: Breathlessly high. The ending of this episode in particular is jam-packed with longing stares and heavy breathing.
Sexual tension rating: Like a knife through a block of cheese. Cheddar cheese. A lot of secret looks, conversations in closets and a K-I-S-S.
Anthony Bridgerton Emerges From A Lake. That’s It, Episode 5 - 4/5
There’s not much more to say about this soaked shirt scene other than it would give Mr Darcy himself a run for his money.
Bosom-heaving levels: Solid, but not impossible to overcome.
Sexual tension rating: The tension here escalates matters somewhat. Especially as both for the Sharma sisters watching this wet scene unfold with rather thirsty eyes.
Anthony Tells Kate About His Dreams… Episode 5 - 4.5/5
If there was an award for sexy talk, then this scene would hands down win. This is the first time we hear Anthony admit (some of) his feelings and desires for Kate, telling her about the dreams he has of her, and what he wants to do, and “show her”. Another near-kiss moment but we’re once again left wanting more…
Bosom-heaving levels: Breathlessly high. Can’t catch your breath-breathless.
Sexual tension rating: A knife through freshly baked bread. This scene is not only home a bucket load of sexual energy but also to the iconic line from Anthony, “You are the bane of my existence, and the object of all my desires.”
The Confession, Episode 8 - 5/5
After Anthony and Kate both confess their love for each other, the season ends with Anthony and Kate married and in bed together doing what married couples do: very flirty and very nude. Not only is this scene hot, it is also utterly lovely and wholesome. Anthony and Kate finally get their happy endings.
Bosom-heaving levels: Less about burning desire and more about the unbridaled (but wed) joy.
Sexual tension rating: Married life brings a whole new level of steaminess for Anthony and Kate, including a classic Bridgerton nude scene.
Anthony & Kate Get Very Steamy In The Garden, Episode 7 - 6/5
Obviously. THE scene. Is down to the fact that we’ve been waiting the whole series for this one scene? Is it Kate’s sultry yet sophisticated lingerie? The garden setting? The dulcet tones? Either way, it is a winning combo. Anthony’s face between Kate’s thighs? Let’s face it, it is definitely that.
Bosom-heaving levels: Peak. Smouldering angst turned into dizzying pleasure.
Sexual tension rating: Ditto. The scene ticks all the boxes: tense, sexy, risky location, and extremely steamy. Season two may not have as many sex scenes as the first season, but this scene more than makes up for it to be honest.