7 Strong Marvel Women You'd Want On Your Side In A Fight
From Scarlet Witch to Okoye...

The superhero world is often thought of as a macho kind of place. But as far as we're concerned, many of the most compelling superheroes are strong ladies who not only kick butt, but are super-smart on top of it all.
The latest addition to the gallery of strong Marvel ladies is Scarlet Witch/ Wanda Maximoff, the eponymous star of WandaVision. For months, there's been serious buzz about this mold-breaking show, following Wanda and her life partner/ fellow superhero Vision as they traverse the twentieth century through different retro sitcom styles. Now, it's arrived exclusively on Disney+!
From the Leave It To Beaver-style '50s family comedy, to the groovy '70s sitcom, to the Full House-style show of the '90s, all of your favorite genres get a reference. The twist is that this superhuman "couple next door" finds themselves in various situations that require them to use their superhero abilities to save the day. Part satire, part comedy, and part action show, this show is doing something totally novel, creative, and weird.
Read on to find out the most compelling, butt-kicking ladies who also happen to be superhuman. And so you know where to watch them all, we've outlined what exact shows and movies you can find them in on Disney+.
1. Scarlet Witch/ Wanda Maximoff
In WandaVision, Wanda Maximoff is more than your average newlywed housewife. She's also Scarlet Witch, a super-strong mutant superhero with telepathic and telekenetic abilities. In the Marvel Cinematic Universe movies, we first meet her in early life as a test subject at a sinister lab site along with her brother in Captain America: The Winter Soldier. Avengers: Age Of Ultron sees her teaming up with the rest of The Avengers team to get revenge against the people who have been treating her as a lab subject for years. Most recently, we get to see her and the love of her life Vision try out suburban married life in WandaVision. However, her ability to manipulate reality will make their life together anything but typical. See Wanda/ Scarlet Witch in these titles on Disney+.
Captain America: The Winter Soldier
Avengers: Age of Ultron
Captain America: Civil War
Avengers: Infinity War
Avengers: Endgame
2. The Black Widow/ Natasha Romanoff
Natasha Romanoff was taught from early life to take no prisoners. Trained as a spy and assassin in Russia, she may not have superhuman powers per se, but she can take down the most intimidating of bad guys. Starting off as Tony Stark's undercover "assistant," her keen abilities as chameleon and fighter allow her to rise through the ranks, becoming one of the group's leaders. Before her own movie is released later this year on Disney+, make sure to watch all the mesmerizing combat scenes in which Black Widow takes armies down with her bare hands. Check out these movies on Disney+ to see her in action.
Iron Man 2
The Avengers
Captain America: The Winter Soldier
Avengers: Age of Ultron
Captain America: Civil War
Avengers: Infinity War
Captain Marvel
Avengers: Endgame
3. Gamora
In addition to being an expert martial artist and possessing superhuman agility, Gamora — the greenest, baddest B of The Guardians of the Galaxy — is literally the sassy best friend we all love to exchange glances with. Her humor and sardonic personality seem to add an extra punch to every karate kick. Sure, her abilities connect her to Thanos directly — as he performed experiments on her when she was young — but it makes their score-settling even more impactful. Want to watch Gamora do her thing? Check out these movies on Disney+.
Guardians of the Galaxy
Guardians of the Galaxy Vol.2
Avengers: Infinity War
Avengers: End Game
4. Wasp/ Hope Van Dyne
We might meet Hope Van Dyne in Ant-Man's story, but she's anything but second fiddle. The daughter of Hank Pym, the creator of the incredible growing/ shrinking Ant-Man suit and the original Ant-Man, teaches his successor Scott Lang a thing or two about combat. Inheriting what used to be her mother's suit, she becomes The Wasp. Years down the line, Wasp finds herself a victim of The Snap, and joins up with The Avengers to face off against Thanos in The Battle of Earth.
Ant-Man and the Wasp
Avengers: Endgame
5. Captain Marvel/ Carol Danvers
Owing to a technological accident involving a light-speed engine, former pilot Carol Danvers basically acquired all of the powers of that light-speed engine. Her cosmic abilities and superhuman strength and agility basically transform her into a human weapon. We first see her in action alongside Captain America, before her own story takes off in her eponymous feature-length film. Here are the movies you can catch her kicking butt in, right now on Disney+.
Captain America
Captain Marvel
Avengers: Endgame
6. Valkyrie
Out of all the strong women on this list, Valkyrie definitely wins the superlative for the one you'd want to have a night out with. Not only can this warrior take down her enemies with a couple of kicks and chops; she can also drink you under the table and make you laugh while doing it all. Check her out in these titles on Disney+.
Thor: Ragnarok
Avengers: Endgame
7. Okoye
I don't know about you, but I watched all of Okoye's fight scenes in Black Panther with my heart in my throat. As the commander of the Wakandan league of bodyguards protecting the king, this general is the epitome of a fierce, skilled general and knight. Some of her highlights include taking down an entire club of bad guys and battling Killmonger. Add that to her loyalty and bravery, and shes one of Marvel's most exemplary combatants. Catch Okoye in these titles, streaming on Disney+.
Black Panther
Avengers: Infinity War
Avengers: End Game
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