When you have celiac disease, an illness that prevents you from eating gluten, you basically miss out on all the important things in life, like pizza, beer, whiskey, croutons, breadsticks, and cake. Sure, there are gluten-free versions of most of these items available; by and large, though, they just don't taste quite the same. But there's good news: Researchers, taking this great tragedy into account, have found what may be a solution for celiac disease and gluten sensitivity, a small antibody supplement that will start trials within a year and potentially might hit the market in as few as three. It's not exactly a "cure" — more like a way to ease the problem — but for anyone like me, who has been forced on a gluten-free diet all these years and can attest to the fact that gluten free pizza just tastes like cardboard, it's still a pretty huge deal.
Researchers at the University of Alberta in Canada, led by Hoon Sunwoo and Jeong Sim, developed a natural supplement made from the yolk of chicken eggs which inhibits the absorption of gliadin, the component of gluten that gives people with celiac disease and gluten sensitivity such a hard time. (It actually damages their small intestine. Yikes.) So far the supplement seems promising, the only negative aspects of it being that people with egg allergies can't take it.
But celiac disease isn't the only food that causes people issues. If you have one of these four allergies or food sensitivities, have hope! There are ways you might be able to get around your problem.
1. Peanut Allergies
People with peanut allergies can experience a wide variety of symptoms upon consumption of the legume (yes, peanuts are technically legumes, not nuts) or its related products, ranging form a runny nose and hives to tightening of the throat, shortness of breath, and wheezing. Interestingly, researchers have found that one way to cure peanut allergies might be to eat peanuts. Surprising, right? Researchers argue that by introducing small amounts of peanuts into a child's diet from a very young age, it can prevent them from getting allergic in the first place.
2. Lactose Intolerance
If you're lactose intolerant and can't consume milk or dairy products, you're missing a crucial enzyme that helps you digest these things. Fortunately, you can buy Lactaid pills or other supplements which introduce the enzyme into your body and let you consume as much milk or dairy as you want without experiencing any symptoms.
3. Fruit Allergies
During recent decades, more and more people have begun to experience what's called oral allergy syndrome, which is basically an allergy to fruit that causes itching, hives, or a rash where fruit touches the mouth. One way to deal with this is not eat fruit raw; however, stewing or canning fruit destroys the allergy-causing agent, so you might give cooked varieties a try. Phyototherapists and homeopathic doctors recommend anti-inflammatory, plant-based remedies as well.
4. Egg Allergies
Mild egg allergies can be treated with antihistamines, which can be taken after the affected person takes the egg. However, antihistamines might not work for severe allergies.
It's important to remember that the best way to work with a food allergy is the avoid a food altogether, but if a drug-based treatment works for you, feel free to indulge in your tasty foods. Everyone's body and allergies are different, so always consult with a doctor before trying a new treatment at home!
Images: kidmissile/Flickr; Giphy (4)
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