Here's What Lead To Audrey Skipping The 'BB' PoV

Throughout this season of Big Brother, I've had a love/hate (one-sided) relationship with Audrey Middleton. I desperately want her out of the house, but at the same time, I cannot help feeling like the show would be pretty boring without her. Her gameplay and social strategy certainly make Big Brother more interesting to watch, especially when she makes bold decisions, like when Audrey didn't go to the PoV ceremony this week. I think the reason some fans had issue with Audrey was precisely because of these bold moves. Audrey just played the game too hard, too soon, turning some viewers against her very early into the season, and letting other houseguests catch on to her strategy before she really had a chance to use it.
Now, the ultimate game player has actually disrupted the game. Audrey held up the Power of Veto ceremony for hours this week and ultimately did not show up. Why not? Will she be penalized? Will Audrey quit the show? There is not a straightforward answer, but there was certainly a lot of drama leading up to her absence and a timeline of the events preceding the ceremony may shed some light on her reasoning. And for more on Audrey's decision-making, check out Bustle's BB17 podcast.
Audrey Is Not Put On The Block
Even though all of the other houseguests claims to target her, Audrey escapes nomination.
Audrey Decides To Expose The Alliance Between Clay, Shelli, Austin, Liz, & Vanessa
This was not the best move since these people were the only ones who would protect her.
All The Houseguests Have A Meeting — Audrey Is Excluded
No matter how you feel about Audrey, you have to at least feel a little bit bad about her being blatantly left out of the house meeting.
Audrey Disappears Into The Diary Room For Hours
Apparently Audrey had a lot to say, given that she was in the Diary Room for four and a half hours.
Audrey Returned To Bed & Missed The PoV Ceremony
It is unclear if Audrey is sick or just upset with being turned on in the game.
Vanessa Uses The PoV On Jason & Shelli Nominates Audrey
We pretty much all saw this coming, so I can see why Audrey might not want to show up to get the bad news.
Say what you want about Audrey, but you have to admit that she had a pretty good streak going before the events of this week. She was great at playing the game and getting people to do what she wanted. Now that all of her work is crumbling apart, it seems like she is breaking down and could not help but remove herself from the game. I just hope that Audrey can find the strength to fight for herself before Thursday's live eviction.
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Image: Sonja Flemming/CBS