10 Amazing Feminist Tattoos

Women's rights movements have been dealt a pretty crappy hand over the past year. Legislators across the country have introduced more restrictions on abortion and women's reproductive health, we haven't moved any closer to equal pay, and women are still disproportionately affected by sexualized violence around the world. Whether you want to join the fight directly by protesting at a rally or make a more passive, enduring statement — any pro-women's rights message helps the larger movement. If your form of expression manifests in art or tattoos, there are so many awesome tattoos that show support for women's rights.
In a world where 35 percent of women have experienced physical and/or sexual violence from an intimate partner, it's pretty clear why you might want to make a lasting pledge to support women's rights in the form of a permanent tattoo. Women make roughly 78 cents to the dollar a man makes, and the two genders aren't projected to achieve economic equality for at least another 70 years, according to The Guardian. And women's inequality is pervasive in so many other areas as well: sexual assault on college campuses, TV and print advertisements sexualizing women, or — in a more "benign" representation of the "you're here for me" patriarchal mindset — persistent street harassment and cat-calling. You can protest any of these issues with a simple, well-planned tattoo, and the subtlety will speak volumes about the importance of the issues.
I might add a little flexing arm around this one, or maybe give it a comic-book vibe. Simple and powerful.
2. The Venus Symbol
It's a subtle way to show your support for all women, all the time.
3. Riots Not Diets
A fun, colorful way to support body positivity and reject unhealthy dieting and unattainable body ideals.
4. Rosie The Riveter
You can never go wrong with the first face of the women's rights movement.
5. A Woman Climbing A Ladder
This is a powerful and unique idea that encompasses so much about the movement for gender equality, especially when it comes to women's economic power.
6. Fight Like A Girl
This tattoo takes the ridiculous "you hit/play like a girl" insult and turns it upside down.
7. Power
Power is the root of any right's movement. Men have had more social, sexual, and economic power than women throughout history.
8. Ovaries
They're powerful, and also bring attention to reproductive rights. Ovaries before brovaries.
9. War Paint
This "war paint" is creative and empowering. It celebrates and reclaims an item that is sometimes mistakenly associated with oppression.
10. Feminist
One word that says it all: you support gender equality and any work we need to do to get there.
Images: livrosefeminismo/Instagram (1); Her_la, Krysjade, juliaseizure, jordy sol, riotgirlonfire, ephylane, tattoopoboy, liverosefeminismo, inkmaid, Steven Gumbie Severt/Instagram (10)