Emilia Clarke Teases "Shocking" 'GoT' Season 6

We've got a long, long time to wait before Game of Thrones Season 6 kicks off in 2016, which leaves us plenty of time to speculate on what's going to happen when the HBO series returns. While many people are still hung up on the whole "Jon Snow is dead, or is he?" situation, there are bigger issues at hand with the characters that are still actually living. Take, for instance, Daenerys Targaryen — the Khaleesi spent much of Season 5 in limbo, hanging around Meereen as the former slave city revolted and she was nearly killed. She's still no closer to Westeros than she was in Season 1 and I think it's high time she started to make some progress in that department. Thankfully, Emilia Clarke has promised that Dany has a "shocking" Season 6 ahead of her. Whew!
In an interview with The Los Angeles Times posted Thursday, Clarke promised that fans wouldn't be disappointed with the new episodes, saying, "There’s so much in store for her. I’m saying that obviously because I’ve read the script for next season. Muwah ha ha! I know stories. It’s really exciting... This season coming up, that we’re about to film, there’s none of that. It’s just go, go, go, go. Shocking moment to shocking moment. Epic moment to epic moment. It’s mental; it’s epic. And definitely Dany’s a part of it."
This is a welcome relief for anyone who loves the character and wants to see Dany return to her former glory (and perhaps claim some new glory, as well).
While the issue of whether or not Daenerys is worthy of the Iron Throne and if she even has a chance of getting anywhere close to it is still up in the air, the fact remains that she needs to start making her way across the Narrow Sea in order to at least attempt to find out. The holding pattern she found herself in back in Meereen is thankfully over and ended with the Khaleesi ride on the back of her dragon, Drogon, away from the ruins and her imminent death. But how she'll move forward is still very much up in the air, and she'll need to call on the strength she used to get this far if she wants to survive, let alone triumph, in a new and potentially dangerous environment.
There's still a long wait before viewers actually get to see Dany back in action, and while Clarke's teaser definitely certainly makes me more excited for what's to come, I'm also cautious in that enthusiasm. Big things will definitely need to happen in order to keep the character on the map, especially in an increasingly crazy and tumultuous atmosphere in the Seven Kingdoms. But I believe that Dany can handle it, whatever "it" is — and no matter what happens, it's about time something crazy came her way.
Images: HBO (2)