8 Amazing 90s Movies on Netflix You Forgot About

It's the weekend, so you know what that means: Time to spend with your significant other, aka, Netflix. Trust me, no one needs a real boyfriend or girlfriend to cuddle with them on the weekend when Netflix is a site that actually exists — especially considering there's a surprising amount of '90s movies on Netflix that I'm sure we all forgot ever existed. From the long-forgotten, teen Katharine Heigl gems like Wish Upon a Star to the obscure titles like Unhook The Stars, Netflix will lead you to '90s movies you never even remembered existed. With '90s nostalgia at an all-time high, you've probably been looking for a movie that takes you back to when hair had the ideal amount of volume and when you didn't have to tie your shoes (because they all were velcro).
These eight forgotten '90s movies are all on Netflix streaming for you to marathon anytime you'd like. They are both amazing and forgotten for a variety of reasons — some are forgotten because they didn't have the cult fanbase to keep them alive for 20 years, while some are forgotten because it's better that way, so it makes for a hilarious watch with wine.
Log into Netflix now, guys, because here are your weekend plans:
Nine Months (1995)
This movie from '95 stars Hugh Grant as a child psychologist who (GASP!) doesn't want kids! But, then he knocks up Julianne Moore. It's a Grant rom-com, you can't go wrong.
My Father The Hero (1994)
Heigl stars in this '94 flick about a girl on vacation in the Caribbean who, to impress a guy her age, pretends that her dad is her way older lover. I wonder why the world forgot about this one.
Baby's Day Out (1994)
A group of hoodlums take an adorable baby for ransom. While that doesn't sound funny, it's a feel-good family movie, and the kid is just the cutest.
54 (1998)
A '90s movie about the '70s, 54 features Ryan Phillipe at his hottest. Also, it's a cool ensemble film about the famous nightclub, Studio 54.
Little City (1997)
A rom-com with a young Josh Charles (aka Will Gardner) and JON BON JOVI featuring progressive sexuality by '90s standards? Sign me up.
Unhook the Stars (1996)
Marisa Tomei starred as a cool, party-gal babysitter in this movie, which came out a few years after she won the Oscar for Best Supporting Actress for My Cousin Vinny.
Shake, Rattle, & Rock! (1994)
A '90s movie about the '50s, starring Renee Zellweger? How can you not be in to this one? Anyway, it's about group of teens who create a dance show, and defy convention to feature an African-American group.
Confessions of Sorority Girls (1991)
A so-bad-it's-good, juicy sorority romp starring Alyssa Milano. As you can imagine, the fashion is on point.
Now, all you need is a bottle of wine (assuming you're of legal drinking age), and you're good to go.
Image: 20th Century Fox