5 Topics To Avoid At Thanksgiving Dinner

I love my family very much, which is why I don’t like talking about politics with them on Thanksgiving. There’s something to be said for a healthy dialogue, but we all know that when it comes to your crazy Uncle Harry, matters can quickly devolve. Everyone's entitled to their own opinion, but there are some topics you might want to avoid in mixed political-family company. Talk about these news stories at your own risk:
1. Obamacare
We'd suggest avoiding this one, though President Obama himself disagrees. As we reported Wednesday: has a special section that will teach you how to promote Obamacare around the Thanksgiving (or Thanksgivukkah) table this year. The site also has a list of what you should bring — just pray to the turkey gods that overwhelmed airports don’t lose your social security card or W-2 forms while you travel — you're gonna be needing those.
The website offers up a step-by-step guide to discussing the new healthcare law with friends and family; a complete with a list of what to pack; and advice on how to bring Obamacare up. Obama wants you to make you political chitchat personal and to “be persistent, but keep it positive” — not a small charge, given all those setbacks.
It just seems awkward.
2. Iran's Nuclear Deal
Iran has reached a nuclear deal with the rest of the world, agreeing to limit its nuclear program in exchange for lighter economic sanctions. But not everyone is sure about the deal — especially your cousin who voted for Bush the second time.
3. George Zimmerman
After his trial and acquittal over the summer for the murder of Trayvon Martin, George Zimmerman quickly became a household name. Now, he’s been arrested again — this time under charges of domestic violence. Zimmerman's newest arrest is bringing up some strong feelings about whether or not he should’ve been acquitted in the first place. It's an important conversation to have, but one that will touch nerves about race and victim-blaming.
At least, we hope for your sake no one in your family is crazy enough to think this Halloween costume was funny:
4. Birth Control Coverage
The Supreme Court announced this week that it will be deciding whether the Affordable Healthcare Act’s requirement that companies provide employees with access to contraceptive coverage is constitutional. This might be a no-brainer to those of us with vaginas and brains, but it turns out that not everyone is on the same page about our right to contraceptive coverage.
We vote you represent on this one. You can get the facts on the case here.
5. Miley Cyrus
Apparently, Miley Cyrus is the front-runner for Time Magazine’s person of the year —good fodder for small talk for sure. But personally, I'd like to avoid explaining twerking to my grandparents.