The 'Degrassi' Series Finale Will Be Huge

It's official: With this new Degrassi series finale promo, the long-running Canadian teen series will no longer air on TeenNick. The Canadian soap has called TeenNick it's home for 14 seasons, so it really is the end of the era for loyal fans of the iconic series. In case you've forgotten, that era included plenty of incredible feminist moments, lots of amazing 'ships (Sean + Emma = forever) and, of course, Drake. I would be more bummed about Degrassi leaving TeenNick, if not for the life-saving news that Netflix and The Family Channel had picked up Degrassi and will rebrand it Degrassi: The New Class. The new show will stream in 2016 ,and though it sounds a lot like the same show we know and love (albeit with a different subtitle) we do have to acknowledge that this will be at least a somewhat different Degrassi experience. So, what better time than the end of an era to celebrate the past 14 seasons?
It seems that the former cast of Degrassi is already getting nostalgic about their television show. Many former cast members appear in the new promo for Degrassi 's series finale event, which also features plenty of footage from some of the more iconic episodes of this series, and some iconic cast members (uh, Drake, anyone?).
Check out the promo, appropriately set to OneRepublic's "I Lived," and prepare to cry like a baby:
So now that you're feeling super nostalgic for the days of Degrassi yore, it's time to re-watch some of these iconic episodes. Which ones should you re-watch before the series leaves TeenNick? Here are some of the best episodes of Degrassi from before the original cast graduated.
"Mother And Child Reunion," Season 1
This is the very first episode of Degrassi: The Next Generation, and it's everything. It shuffles the new show — which was based on '80s cult classic Degrassi Junior High — into the new millennium by introducing us to a very 2001 problem: Internet creeps. It gets bonus points for introducing us to the best friendship of J.T. and Toby and the ultimate endgame couple, Spike and Snake.
"Jagged Little Pill," Season 1
This is the episode where Ashley calls Paige a hag and inadvertently alienates all of her friends and boyfriend... while high on E. It's classic for a reason.
"When Doves Cry," Season 2
We meet Craig in the Season 2 opener, so it's a worthy re-watch for the reason alone. Upon a recent viewing I realized why the show gave Craig all of the traumatic story lines: Jake Epstein was a powerhouse teen actor who gave us incredibly nuanced performances week after week.
"U Got The Look," Season 3
This is the episode where Manny shuns being "adorable" in favor of being hot, which, in the early '00s, meant a lot of visible underwear. Manny's outfits are so ridiculous that you'll want to re-watch this one just so you can scream at the television "What were you thinking?!?"
"Holiday," Season 3
Craig's cheating finally catches up to him and completely ruins his Christmas. Watch it for Ashley slapping Craig across the face during their Christmas duet.
"Rock N' Roll High School," Season 3
Watch for Craig's apology song to Ashley; stay for Spinner and Jimmy's sexist rap.
"Time Stands Still," Season 4
This is one of the most talked about episodes of Degrassi ever, and well worth a second look. In "Time Stands Still," the bullied Rick brings a gun to school and turns it on his classmates. The episode is tragic and difficult to watch, but it's also incredibly powerful.
"Here Comes Your Man," Season 6
Ahh, the triumphant return of Sean Cameron, and, eventually "Semma." How these two weren't endgame I will never know.
Now go forth and re-watch, Degrassi fans: whatever it takes, you know you can make it through this last summer season on TeenNick.
Image: Degrassi Source/YouTube