Can We Trust The Latest 'PLL' Reveal?

I'm sorry, but I have a hard time trusting any A reveal that comes off as nonchalant as Mona in that lab on Tuesday night's episode of Pretty Little Liars. Maybe I'm just cynical from being lead to multiple dead-ends where Charles is concerned, but didn't Mona's story sort of tie things up about the events on the night of Ali's disappearance too nicely? PLL fans have been waiting for information about Bethany Young's involvement for years and, if Mona's had the information the entire time, why are we just hearing about it now? On Tuesday's "No Stone Unturned," Mona revealed that Bethany and Charles escaped from Radley together on Pretty Little Liars on the same night that Ali went missing so, surprise — Charles is alive on Pretty Little Liars . Is anyone starting to feel like this back-and-forth is starting to get a little gratuitous?
After Mona turned up in that creepy lab on Tuesday night, she dropped multiple bombs on the Liars and seemingly cleared up a lot of questions. Now, if you were tuning into PLL for the first time, you were probably all like, "WOW, #SUMMEROFANSWERS," but for the rest of us, this just seems too easy. Mona told Aria, Spencer, and Hanna that Lesli (yes, her again) told her that Charles and Bethany escaped Radley on the night that Ali went missing and she totally called out Charles' organ donor papers as being fake. Sometimes, even though Mona's been around for five seasons already, it seems like we hardly know anything about her — also, we really need to ask ourselves if Spencer is really the brainiac in the room when Mona's around.
Here's the thing about Mona's reveal — nothing Mona has done since her return in "She's No Angel" has been for no reason. Mona obviously got herself caught in Radley when Hanna and Spencer were poking around so that they'd pry Lesli's file from her. So, what was her motive for showing up at the lab and dumping all of these details on the Liars? Did Lesli put her up to it? Is Mona undermining Lesli any chance she gets? Is Mona working with Charles again even though he stole the game back from her? After all of this time spent wondering how Bethany fits into this story, it seems too easy that she just ran away with Charles that night and ended up dead — even if Lesli "hated" her.
Hear more theories about Charles, Bethany, and the rest of Pretty Little Liars' mysteries on Bustle's PLL podcast, Taking This One To The Grave:
Image: Eric McCandless/ABC Family