Who Made 'The Voice' Top 6?

After Monday night's episode of The Voice , I, like I do after every episode, mentally predicted who would go home. Who I predicted would go home was not who I wanted to go home, but it was who went home. Being right all of the time is so hard! I should've also predicted that there'd be three sort of boring group performances Tuesday night. That way, I could've lowered my expectations. Thankfully ('tis the season to be thankful), Cee Lo Green and Big Gipp gave us a bonkers performance. There was a moving sidewalk and freaky mannequin clown dancers. And yes, Cee Lo sounded fantastic.
Another highlight: Blake Shelton said he'll spend Thanksgiving in Oklahoma "eating and drinking turkey." For a moment, I genuinely thought he meant that he was going to be drinking turkey blood. It baffled me when the crowd erupted with cheers and applause. They must drink turkey blood, too, I thought. This is disgusting. But then I remembered that Wild Turkey is a bourbon. Oh. Okay. Blake doesn't drink turkey blood. Case closed!
A third highlight: During the confessional segment, the competitors and coaches took turns doing impressions of one another. Matthew Schuler did an impression of Xtina's sing-coaching. It was a lot like my impression of Xtina's sing-coaching, except, you know, Matthew can sing. I just croak at the notes. James Wolpert did an impression of Will Champlin. Lots of mumbling. Caroline Pennell did an impression of Cee Lo. It was exactly what you'd expect a Caroline Pennell impression of Cee Lo Green to be.
America's votes saved the following competitors:
- Will Champlin
- Cole Vosbury
- Jacquie Lee
- Tessanne Chin
- James Wolpert
Carson Daly gave the usual "Instant Save" spiel. We went to commercial break. Tweets were tweeted. In my mind, the Instant Save process looks something like the Wonka Vision scene from Willy Wonka & The Chocolate Factory. I like to think Carson sees a series of tiny, visible tweets flying overhead as the results are tallied. While the Wonka Vision calculated away, Ray Boudreaux, Matthew Schuler, and Caroline Pennell held their breath for the results. And The Instant Save went to... Matthew Schuler.
Eh, not a shocker. It would've been quite the shakeup if Matthew was eliminated tonight. He's been a frontrunner all season. Fastest four-chair turn in The Voice history, remember? That being said, I wasn't ready to say goodbye to Caroline or Ray. Caroline was one of the more interesting and delightful competitors of the season. And I love not-boring performances. As for Ray? He was always so charming and SWAMPY. I will miss Blake's constant use of the word "swampy." AND! I'll miss Ray's cutie-patootie of a daughter.
But I will not cry. Not yet. I must stay strong for the remainder of the season. I've come this far. Can't break down now.
Image: NBC