We Really Want to See These Leo Movie Mashups
Some people are born geniuses. Like the guy behind this incredible mash-up trailer that combines 2013's The Wolf of Wall Street with the 1946 holiday classic, It's a Wonderful Life. In this version, Leo is replaced with Jimmy Stewart, the bustling stock market of NYC traded in for quaint Bedford Falls, but with all of the same Yeezus energy and bold golden fonts. The Wolf of Wall Street doesn't hit theatres until Christmas, and the newly announced It's a Wonderful Life sequel won't be reaching us until the 2015 holiday season, at the earliest. So I guess we'll have to keep this under-two minute mock-u-trailer on a loop until then. Because of how much we loved seeing these two unlikely movies collide in a most ridiculous yet appropriate way, here's other Leo DiCaprio flicks we've mashed with fan favorites.
The Dark Knight's Inception
Technically this is a mash-up of three movies: The Dark Knight, Inception and the first in the Christopher Nolan trilogy, Batman Begins. In TDKI, Tom Hardy takes on dual roles as both villanous Bane, and quirky, well-dressed protagonist Eames, who whispers his cheery catch-phrase "You mustn't be afraid to dream a little bigger, darling" as he pulverizes the enemey (who is ironically, himself).
Harry Potter and the Blood Diamond Prince
In the sixth Harry Potter installment, Harry finds out that his professor, who had been going under the false name of "Snape" is actually a diamond smuggler, and the pop singing sensation, Prince.
The Hunger Games of New York
Some time in the distant future, NYC: Brooklyn has been destroyed, and to assert their power over the rest of the city, Manhattan instills an annual "Hunger Games" where local New Yorkers are forced to go without using food ordering apps like GrubHub for an entire week. May the odds of your oven working be ever in your favor.
The Breakfast Club Diaries
The Breakfast Club Diaries surrounds a group of teens who meet in weekend detention, and in order to overcome their collective problems and teenage angst, form a youth basketball league.
Blue Shutter Island
Trapped on a tropical island, two cousins have insectual sex and babies until one day the boy with the blonde afro wakes up, and realizes it was all a dream, and that he should probably go to therapy.
The Wolf of Bedford Falls
You want him to lasso the moon for you? You want him to tape some hundeys to your boobs? You got it!
(P.S. We can't wait to see Jimmy Stewart twerk.)
Images: Red Granite Pictures; funnyordie.com; Tumblr; Tumblr; imgur; Tumblr; pandawhale.com