
C.J. Cregg's Power Suits, Ranked

by Rachel Semigran

Now that we live in the era of Hillary Clinton, the former First Lady turned Senator turned Secretary of State turned Presidential hopeful, it can sometimes be hard to remember a time when women weren't as visible in politics. When Aaron Sorkin's political drama The West Wing debuted in 1999, the show's standout character was Press Secretary turned Chief of Staff C.J. Cregg played by the untouchable Allison Janney. The popularity of C.J. was a reflection of the public's response to women in the White House — More. Now. Please. Along with being total bosses with killer comebacks, Clinton and C.J. Cregg also have another signature in common: power suits.

Clinton has capitalized on her famous look by selling the Everyday Pantsuit Tee on her campaign's website. It's a cheeky wink to the Democratic candidate's clothing of choice. Most male politicians are never asked what they're wearing, so Clinton put the question to bed by taking control of the rather silly attention given to her pantsuits. Both Clinton and Cregg have made the power suit a symbol of status, rather than of fashion.

Let's take a look at the history of Cregg's powerful pantsuits over the years, and rank them from least to most boss. Take a look.

7. Season 6

The big collars make a return, but the blushy pink silk was so un-C.J. Who has time to worry about that when Toby is ruining the White House's reputation?

6. Season 2

Floppy suit, killer comeback. It's "Ms. Craig" to you. DAYUM!

5. Season 5

The first female Chief Justice is appointed and C.J.'s look is totally relaxed. Who run the world?

4. Season 4

A mortifying moment in a great look. There's shape and a lot of personality going on here — finally a suit that lives up Cregg's multifaceted character.

3. Season 7

When I think of a power suit, I think of something like this. With C.J., what you see is what you get — a woman in control with an open mind.

2. Season 1

This suit, and scene show Cregg's softer side. She always means business, but that doesn't mean she doesn't have a heart.

1. Season 3

Bow down. Even years after the finale aired, I feel totally secure in stating that Cregg is still the woman we all wish we could be, and wish that we could dress like.

Image: Warner Bros. Television