Does This Improve Ben H.'s 'Bachelor' Chances?

It's the moment we all knew was coming but hoped would never be here. In the rose ceremony that took place after the Fantasy Suite dates, Kaitlyn chose to eliminate Ben H. on The Bachelorette — aka one of the cutest, most precious guys this show has ever sent us. Despite the fact that they have tons of fun together, their relationship just didn't match the chemistry Kaitlyn felt with Nick and Shawn (obviously). There could be a silver lining, though. Ben's going away speech was amazing, and pretty much proved that Ben H. is definitely in waiting to become the next Bachelor. [UPDATE: According to E! Online, Ben H. has been selected as the 2016 Bachelor.]
As always, Kaitlyn and her sadly eliminated dude sat for a private chat before he caught the first limo home, and their goodbyes were super sweet. It's clear that they really care about each other, but it's the nature of the game to send someone home and that's exactly what had to happen here.
And on the way out, Ben — who took this whole thing surprisingly well, actually — dropped a few of his sweetest words about our girl.
I really was not expecting to be going home. It's not easy. It's not really easy to think that next week I won't see her. I have zero doubt that Kaitlyn and I could have had something great. There's not a question in my mind that I was falling in love with her, but it's over. I was definitely changed by Kaitlyn. I am a different person now. At the end of the day I was able to open up and to have feelings for somebody again and that's something that I can't take for granted. I will definitely miss Kaitlyn.
This is a man who deserves love, ABC. It is now your responsibility to give it to him. Ben H. for Bachelor, anyone?
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Image: Felicia Graham/ABC