21 Shark-Inspired Nail Looks To Rock This Summer
I used to think the most terrifying thing in the nail world were those really sharp stilettos (like, do you want me to lose an eye, because that's what would happen), but there's something equally terrifying making it's way across the fingertips of countless nailistas across the Web: shark-inspired nails! Shark Week has become a cultural phenomenon. I mean, you pretty much know you've made it when the hashtag #sharkweeknailart exists on Instagram and has almost a million posts behind it.
The point of shark week is to educate the public about the fact that, for the most part, sharks are not vicious, bloody murders. But that's not why we watch. Don't try tell me that you don't love you a good shark attack survival story or a bloody shark feeding frenzy. I dove into the deep waters of Instagram to locate the best Shark Week nail art, and guess what? There is almost too much awesome to fit in one post.
Nails have been my favorite hobby since I was old enough to open a bottle with my own tiny hands, and the sheer amount of talent behind the #sharkweeknailart hash tag has me drowning in awe. I'm not even sure I want a life guard to save me. It's that good.
Away we go!
1. The first bite
Let's just get right to it. Check out this slice of awesome.
2. The happy sharks
The fact that this shark looks so happy makes me all kinds of nervous. #trustissues
3. The tutorial
School yourself. Better than being a school of fish. (See what I did there?)
4. The blood in the water
You know sharks can smell blood from miles away, right?
5. The last thing you ever see
Holy heck. It's getting a little scary in here.
6. The logo on fleek
Serious skills. Just sayin.
7. The chevron and sharks
There's just something about chevron and sharks...
8. The "those teeth though..."
I wouldn't want to be on a surf board with those bad boys underneath me.
9. The "someone's been a bad boy"
I'll go ahead and let you punish him.
10. The smooth criminal
This one's just so pretty to look at. #nailgoals
11. The false sense of security
How could you be scared of the water when the beach is made of glitter?
12. The sailboat
I love that little sailboat. It makes me sad to know the captain is in the belly of a shark.
13. The Monet
This could be in a museum.
14. The pink panic
Fierce and pretty.
15. The pacific party
Ain't no party like a shark week party!
16. The rough waters
This is what it looks like right before you die.
17. The fighting chance
If I had nails like these, I'm pretty sure I could survive a shark attack.
18. The everywhere
There's one. There's another one! And one over there! Holy ham sandwich!
19. The "so sharky"
You'll get caught off guard looking at this masterpiece and be devoured in one bite.
20. ThepParadise lost
So much for that relaxing island vacation!
21. The stunner
Last but not least is this stunner right here...
Images: raqstarnails, dulllikeglitter, sensationails4u, thenailtrail, centralparkkitty, raptornails, chrissynailart, christabellnails, i_am_cutes, nailsbyannaaa, jamylyn_nails, lh5nails, nailswithcolors, lh5nails, polish_aholic_, raqstarnails, velashaa, stashhouseaz, crochetcetera, jmgnails, herrmham,