Sneaking in a last little musical nugget right before the weekend, Drake dropped the video for his song "Energy" on Apple Music on Friday. It's from his album If You're Reading This It's Too Late, and, speaking of things that are too late, if you're one of Drake's enemies right now, you have officially missed the window to patch things up with him in time to avoid appearing with his face superimposed on top of yours in the video. Because that's what he up and did in his song, to a whole slew of celebrities. In Drake's own words, he's got enemies, gotta lotta enemies, gotta lotta people trying to drain him of this energy, and they all seem to be famous people who look a whole lot better when they aren't sharing faces with Drake.
You can take a look at the video yourself, by going to Drake's page on iTunes and scrolling down to the bottom under "Connect," or, if you can't find it there and you're lazy like me, you can scroll through these screenshots I've humbly collected for you of each of the A-List faces he took as his own for the video. Unless you're one of the people below, in which case you should probably sleep with one eye open.
1. Oprah
No offense to the Big O, but facial hair is really not a good look for her.
2. Benjamin Franklin
One step closer to getting a woman or a person of color on American currency.
3. Floyd Mayweather
This one makes me anxious.
4. Katie Holmes
Call me crazy, but that's Drake's face on one half of TomKat, right?
5. Justin Bieber
No no no, that mustache is way too impressive to be convincing as Bieber.
6. Miley Cyrus
Drake + Miley is somehow not quite as jarring as I would've expected.
7. Dan Bilzerian
Bilzerian is a professional poker player who is also apparently running for President in 2016, so everybody buckle up.
8. Rob Ford
The former mayor of Toronto, best known for wylin' the eff out.
9. Kanye West
Drake's spoken often about Kanye being some of his closest competition, so it's no shock to see him show up in the video.
10. Ken
What did Barbie and her pals ever do to you???
11. Barack Obama
Apparently, this is also our current President's fault. I'm losing the connection between these figures a little bit.
12. O.J. Simpson
Hoo boy. White Ford Bronco, and flashing police car lights, and all.
13. LeBron James
Let's go Cavs!
You weren't lying, Drake! You do gotta lotta enemies. I just can't quite figure out what most of them have ever done to you.
Images: Apple Connect (13)