First Look at 'Bachelor' Juan Pablo Galavis!

Bachelor Nation, you can stop holding your breath: The first trailer for The Bachelor Season 18 just hit the interwebs, and has us all crooning in unison, "Juan Pablooooo!" Dubbed the "Latin Lover" by former Bachelorette Desiree Hartsock, the ex-pro soccer, er, football (depending on how technical you wanna get) player was never given enough air time when vying for Hartsock's sock, I mean hart... HEART. Because of this, ABC decided to remedy the problem in spectacular fashion: by dubbing Galavis America's most eligible Bachelor.
For those of you just tuning in, here's what we know about JPG: He's 32 years old, 5' 11" (according to his ABC Bachelor profile), a retired midfielder/forward, has one tattoo, and wears a size 11.5 shoe size. Are you significantly bored by these stats yet? Me too, so let's skip to the promo. From the first look at the upcoming season, it's clear Juan Pablo will have his hands full with this batch of ladies. Here's five things we're most excited to see on Season 18:
The Women Butchering His Name
Because apparently, American women have a really hard time pronouncing names that aren't Brad, Ben or Bob. ("Bachelor Brad" has a different ring than "Bachelor Juan Pablo").
All of the Spanish puns like "Juan-derful" ABC will come up with
Here are some off the top of my head: Juanton soup, Juan Nation under God, Juantanamo Bay (I didn't say they'd be relevant).
Close Ups of Juan Pablo's Abs
If there's one thing The Bachelor loves, it's exploiting the toned physiques of it's Bachelor and Bachelorettes. Desiree had those stomach muscles, Ashley (of JP and Ashely) had that great butt, Sean Lowe's abs are probably trade-marked by now, and by the likes of the first trailer (i.e. Juan Pablo's close up shower shot), his man goodies will be exploited just the same.
Who The Preggo Contestant Is
Yep. For the first time ever (that we know of) a pregnant contestant has shown up to win the Bachelor's heart. Will she go into labor on set? How about the fantasy suite date? Is it just a practical joke? SO MANY QUESTIONS!
Watch the 30 second spot below: