
Every '90s Disney Movie In 3 Minutes

by Maya Kachroo-Levine

Good news, party people: There's a Disney '90s Supercut that will fill your heart with every emotional journey you went through from 1990 to 1999. (Because I can only assume that 1999 was when you gave up your Disney feels to start partying with Prince.) But this epic supercut will drown you in tears you forgot that you'd shed 15 years ago. You will cry when you see Mufasa start talking to Simba and pretty much whenever the Hunchback shows up on screen. And even though I'm opposed to grouping Lilo & Stitch in with the classic Disney movies, when they say, "Ohana means family," it's priceless.

The editor behind this video takes snip-its of tear-jerking moments from each Disney movie and cuts them together so they flow into one another, layering one emotional sob-worthy moment right after the other. It's beautiful.

Personally, I would've liked to have seen a little more Aladdin because Jasmine is my girllllll (I think we all just like whichever princess looked most like us). For their next project, I hope this editor tackles Pixar movies. Though, ideally they'd hold off a while if they want to incorporate Inside Out because I really cannot deal with any spoilers in that department.

Take a look at these Disney-fied transitions:

The zooms and those wide eyes:


And the pup (and Timon and Pumba) all marching in line:

It means no worries.

Watch the full video and prepare to relive your childhood:

Images: Disney; YouTube(3)