
What You Need To Know About Women And Porn

by Lea Rose Emery

New PornHub stats gathered by Mic found that more women are watching porn, New York reports. Twenty-four percent of their millennial users are women, a slightly higher proportion than older users, where only 21 percent are female. We log on for about 10 minutes on average (9:10 for millennials and 10:15 for older users), although I've never timed myself so I have no idea if that sounds right. It also turns out that millennials are most likely to watch porn on their phones, which I find baffling because there is nothing more annoying then watching a tiny porn screen on something you need to hold.

Is that really the best thing you can think of to do with your hands? Hold a damn phone? I have other uses for mine, thanks. But generally I was really pleased with what I learned, because I am both a woman and a very regular porn watcher. I know some of my female friends are the same, but unfortunately there's still a weird taboo around women admitting they masturbate, and even more so around admitting that they watch porn. (And I like, really watch it.) Well, time to get over that. Here are seven things you should know about women and porn.

1. Lesbian is the most popular for women

So lesbian is the top porn category for millennials, but women are 132 percent more likely to search for lesbian porn than men, according to an earlier PornHub and Buzzfeed collaboration. This doesn't surprise me, because even my female friends who have no interest in having sex with women have told me they like to watch female porn.

2. Male gay porn is the second most popular search term for women

Speaking of liking things in porn you don't necessarily want to do in real life: according to the same set of data, gay porn was actually the second most popular search term for women. Which did surprise me — a lot — but hey, to each their own.

3. Women are into rougher stuff than men

Not only are women watching more porn then men, we're into the more hardcore stuff. One PornHub set of stats found hardcore, bondage, and rough sex were all much, much more popular among female viewers.

4. We all like porn most on Mondays

Mic found Monday was the most popular day for porn watching, with Saturday being the least popular (presumably because we're all out trying to get it in real life?).

5. Women are more into group sex than men

Threesomes, double penetration, and orgy are also much more popular among women than men, according to other PornHub data. So while we've thought of threesomes as being a male fantasy, statistically it's women fantasizing about multiple partners.

6. Porn for women, and feminist porn, are becoming more popular

But they're not exactly the same thing. As Rebecca Santiago at Bustle explains, "Because female empowerment is an important focus of feminist pornography (duh), it could be described as a type of porn for women. But the wider umbrella of 'porn for women' doesn’t necessarily share those same goals of empowerment through bucking the mainstream – in fact, a porno for women could easily play right into preconceived notions of gender and sexuality."

7. Everyone loves Kim Kardashian (especially women)

According to Mic, Kim Kardashian was the most popular "porn star" overall, but earlier data showed Kim Kardashian porn searchers were more popular with women than men in search terms, as were searches for other reality stars generally.

Images: Pexels, Giphy (7)