5 Ways To Stop Peeling Skin Quickly And Naturally

Let's be real, sunburn sucks. And peeling skin sucks even worse, but luckily there are several easy ways to learn how to stop peeling skin and help yourself heal quickly. Hang in there, my dear burnt beach bunny. And hey girl hey, don't forget sunscreen next time!
For what it's worth, there's no shame in accidentally getting burnt to the point of peeling. With long days at the beach or park, a stack of the best summer books by your side, and an ice cold homemade herbal cocktail on your pal's rooftop, bad burns are hard to avoid completely. It's summertime baby, what can ya do.
Also, the whole “protecting your skin” thing is a little more complex than just spritzing on SPF spray and walking right out the door. Nearly one third of sunscreens don’t work as labeled, and even if your brand does work correctly, you have to know how to apply it properly. And don’t let any sunscreen ingredient myths scare you, just do your research and you’ll be fine!
But alas, if you’re reading this with peeling skin, obviously sunscreen can’t save you know. Fortunately, I suspect you already have everything you need to get on your way to healing asap so you can get back out in the sun (safely)!
1. Cold Shower
My sad little peeling shoulders can attest to the fact that cold showers really, really help calm everything down. According to She Knows, a cold shower or bath is an incredibly helpful first step in cooling your skin down to slow the peeling process. Additionally, the cold water acts as a bit of a number to help you not itch. Double win. Oh, and dry off by patting your skin lightly, not rubbing. Rubbing will hurrrrrrrrrrt.
2. Aloe Vera
Aloe vera is like, the nectar of the gods for your peeling skin. There is, in fact, an entire Reddit thread dedicated to aloe vera's magical healing powers. It keeps your skin cool while simultaneously hydrating it. Thanks, plant friend.
3. Olive Oil
Next time you drizzle olive oil over your favorite summer salad, pour a little on your peeling skin, too. Top10HomeRemedies claims the olive oil will nourish your skin while also fighting free radicals that cause premature aging.
4. Grated Cucumber
You know how facialists sometimes put cucumbers over your eyes? Cucumber is a natural astringent full of vitamin C to help treat inflammation and heal sunburn. It also just smells so fresh and clean, so that's a bonus. Top10HomeRemedies suggests grating a cucumber and rubbing the pulp on your peeling burn. Leave it for fifteen to twenty minutes before rinsing with cold water.
5. Oatmeal Bath
When your skin is ready to handle warmer water, an oatmeal bath is a great way to reduce the mad itchiness you're dealing with and prevent scarring. To get the most benefits, Livestrong advises grinding the oats in a coffee grinder or blender before pouring a cup or two in a lukewarm bath.
P.S. For extra protection while you're healing, reach for one of these 9 chic sun hats. And seriously, I repeat, do not forget sunscreen!