If you enjoy watching period dramas, then be prepared to absolutely fall in love with PBS' latest Masterpiece Theater series, Poldark , which has been airing on the network for the past few Sunday nights. Adapted from a book series and miniseries of the same name, Poldark centers around a redcoat heartthrob by the name of Ross Poldark, who has recently returned from the Revolutionary War. But as you can imagine, his battles have only just begun, especially when it comes to matters of the heart. Sounds pretty great, right? Well, even if you're only just hearing of this series now, don't fret. It isn't too late to make this your latest summer obsession. All you have to do is know how to stream the Poldark episodes you've already missed.
Luckily for you, I know how to go about doing just that. So even if you don't have access to a TV when Sunday nights roll around, or (gasp!) don't actually own a television in general, you still have plenty of options that will allow you to tune into all the drama each and every week. All you need is a strong Internet connection and you'll be ready to go. You just have to know where to look. But that's where I come in …
Visit The PBS Website
Right now, PBS.org has all of the current episodes easily available for streaming right on their website. All you need to do is go to the Poldark page and click on the episode you wish to view, completely free of charge. If I were you, I'd hurry, though. The videos do have an expiration date on them, so the sooner you can begin streaming, the better off you'll be.
Head Over To Amazon Prime
If you have access (or know someone with access) to an Amazon Prime subscription, then simply type in the necessary password information and let the streaming begin. If worse comes to worse, you could always purchase episodes there for $2 each. It's not ideal, but shouldn't make a huge dent in your savings, especially if you're only behind by a few episodes.
Own It Outright
Then again, if you'd rather have an episode for keeps, thus allowing you to watch it over and over again, you could head over to iTunes and purchase them right then and there. It'll only cost you $3 per episode. And let's be honest here — sometimes one viewing just isn't enough.
So now that I've given you the tools, it's up to you to use them. Let the streaming commence!
Images: BBC; Giphy (3)