What Might This Elsa Cake Fail Be Thinking?

Sometimes you look at Pinterest fails, DIY fails, or baking fails, and they make you sad. Looking at someone else's artistic disasters can make us acutely aware of are own shortcomings: We are mere mortals. We are incapable of having, and creating, nice things. But sometimes, you look at a baking fail like this horrifying attempt at a Princess Elsa cake, and you're not sad. In fact, sometimes things are so bad that they're great. That's the case with this cake.
Let's get one thing straight about this cake: If this is Princess Elsa, then this is Princess Elsa who got a Jersey Shore style fake tan and lip injections before hitting the bar for a rough night of too much vodka and not enough sleep. This is Princess Elsa who woke up in a skeevy club promoter's bed with her eye makeup smeared under her eyes and a splitting hangover. This isn't an Elsa cake. This is a Drunk Elsa cake.
And personally, I love her.
The image came to the internet's attention via a Redditor who goes by the name OfficalBigHead, alongside the caption, "The cake that was ordered and the cake that arrived." The thread currently has more than 2,000 comments, mostly about people bemoaning how sad it is that one can dedicate so much time to a project and fail so miserably (I'm getting the sense that there are a lot of freelance writers hanging out on Reddit).
But why are we calling this cake a failure? Let's laud this cake for what it is: A perfect encapsulation of Drunk Elsa. So, what is Drunk Elsa Cake thinking? I have a few ideas:
1. "Don't Effing Tell Me To Let It Go!"
Drunk Elsa Cake can get a bit defensive, so it's best not to tell her to let anything go.
2. "Why Is My Snowman Animate?"
Drunk Elsa Cake realizes that the walking, talking Olaf is actually highly unnatural.
3. "Anna Is A Special Snowflake."
A very, very special snowflake.
4. "'Fractal' Is a Funny Word."
Fractal is a funny word.
5. "Speaking of Ice, Can I Get Another Marg on the Rocks?"
Atta girl! Drunk Elsa Cake knows how to utilize her powers for what really matters.