How To Have An Orgasm Without Touch

The Internet has recently become obsessed with a phenomenon known as erotic hypnosis, because we will never tire in our quest to hack our orgasms. So, what is erotic hypnosis? It's a kind of guided meditation that's intended to relax and turn you on so much that you can orgasm with no touching at all. Sound impossible? It's not. Game changer, guys.
Despite how tactile and corporeal sex is, there's also a huge psychological element to it. That's why when you're not in "the mood" for sex, you're much less likely to find it pleasurable: if your brain isn't feeling down to get sexy, your body has a hard time overriding that. On the flip side, if your brain is really stimulated and turned on, it's possible to orgasm just from that.
You get more than 20,000 hits when you search for "Erotic Hypnosis" on YouTube, and each video offers you something slightly different. Some videos feature soothing, dreamy voices detailing hot sexual encounters while images of scantily clad women float by the screen. Others go the more traditional hypnosis route, with soft voices that tell you to focus on the energy in your stomach, then lower thighs, then your groin as an endlessly spinning wheel rotates in front of you.
Erotic hypnosis operates in the exact same way that traditional hypnotherapy does: it makes you highly vulnerable to the power of suggestion by putting you in an incredibly relaxed state. According to LiveScience, it's not the tranquil state itself that's therapeutic about hypnosis, but rather the effects that the suggestions a hypnotist makes (while you're in that state) can have on you.
Given that hypnosis is effective insofar as it leaves your mind open to suggestion, the idea of erotic hypnosis begins to make a bit more sense. When all the stress and miasma of life is emptied from your mind, then you have the mental space to get really turned on just by aural stimulation (one of my favorite homophones out there, by the way).
What erotic hypnosis really comes down to is particular iteration of the very common desire for domination. In many ways, the sexual nature of these videos comes from the idea that you're surrendering complete control of your mind (and by extension, your body) to the soft spoken woman in the video.
Like any kind of hypnotherapy, erotic hypnosis takes a bit of time to learn how to do (meaning you probably won't have an orgasm the first time you watch one of these videos, but hey you might!), so if you're not up for the commitment, you can try incorporating these erotic hypnosis techniques to add a metaphysically orgasmic element to your sex life:
1. Breathe Deeply
Deep breaths help you relax and clear space in your mind, leaving you more susceptible to the possibility of pleasure.
2. Talk Dirty
The most important element of erotic hypnosis is the way the hypnotist's words penetrate (so, so sorry for the use of that word) your subconscious. Whether your with a partner or DIY-ing it, a little dirty talk can do wonders for your mood.
3. Meditate
If you can get your mind free of distractions before you jump into bed, you'll be more likely to be present and capable of reaching an orgasm.
4. Focus on Not Focusing
I know I'm starting to sound like Yoda right now, but hear me out. If you can focus on what you're feeling without overthinking it (that is, focus on the sensations rather than what you think you should/shouldn't be feeling), you may be able to achieve that transcendent kind of turned on that people go for when they're watching these videos.
Images: Pixabay; Paradigm Hypnosis, Fawad Dar, UltraHypnosis/ YouTube; Giphy (4)