Which wedding month is most likely to lead to a doomed marriage? According to a new survey from Ashley Madison, spouses who get married during the summer months are most likely to cheat. According to the responses of 108,193 members of the extramarital site, people are more likely to seek out affairs later on in their marriage if they tied the knot in June, July or August ― and Ashley Madison will be there to guide them through the whole process. But, it should also be noted that The Knot says that the most popular months for people to get hitched are June, August, September, October, so what that means, at least based on Ashley Madison’s results, is that 50 percent of people who are married in the most popular wedding months could find themselves in a sticky situation later on, by either being cheated on or by being the cheater. Wonderful.
As CEO and founder of Ashley Madison, Noel Biderman, explains:
“The correlation between the months in which people were wed and the tendency to cheat is an interesting one, and by looking at the data, it’s clear that wedding months have something to do with the predisposition to have an affair. June, July and August are the most expensive months for weddings, and couples starting out their marriages with financial worries may be more apt to cheat down the road.”
Yes, studies have found that the more expensive the wedding, the better chance the marriage will end because of the financial end of things, but that doesn't mean that cheating will always be part of the equation.
But the cheating stats don’t stop there. Here are five other findings from Ashley Madison’s latest survey, which you may want to take with a grain of salt. I mean, they want you to cheat on your partner after all.
1. June Is The Most Popular Unfaithful Wedding Month
Of the three summer months that will lead to your marriage falling apart should you marry in any of them, June comes in at the top spot. According to the survey, 12.9 percent of women and 13.2 percent of men on Ashley Madison had been married in June.
2. Weddings In January Have The Best Chance At Marital Bliss
On the opposite end of the weather spectrum, the survey found that those married in January are least likely to see their marriage end in cheating. Although, at 4.1 percent, December was also a good month for the female members of Ashley Madison, for 4.7 percent of men and 4.2 percent of women, January, in all its polar vortex nonsense, makes for a long marriage.
3. Over 10 Percent Of Both Men And Women Cheat During Their First Year Of Marriage
According to the survey, 15.4 percent of men and 10.3 percent of women admitted that they had cheated on their partner within the first year of marriage. As to why someone would cheat so early on in isn’t explained, but apparently you can find those cheaters logged onto Ashley Madison right after they get back from their honeymoon.
4. More Men Than Women Have Cheated On Their Wedding Night
Although women aren’t totally innocence in this behavior, at 1.5 percent there really aren’t that many women who have indulged in some extramarital action shortly after saying their vows. Guys, too, are at only 2.3 percent, but come on! It’s your wedding night!
Of those who did cheat that night, 57.4 percent did so with a member of the wedding party. It makes you want to take a long hard look at who's bridesmaid material and who isn't, doesn't?
5. Bachelor And Bachelorette Parties Aren’t Exactly A Hot Bed For Cheating
While many movies show dudes having “one last hurrah” before they’re big day, according to Ashley Madison only 11.5 percent of guys actually do cheat at their bachelor party. But before you start thinking it’s just a guy thing, at 7.9 percent of them cheating during their bachelorette party, women aren’t quite angels either.
Images: AngelaCzmiel/Pixabay; Giphy(5)