The World Needs The 'Straight/Curve' Documentary

We've long known the woes of the fashion industry. Issues like fair trade and labor, body image, and drug addiction are the ugly side of the fashion world and, thanks to exposure, have undergone some much-needed change in the last few years. Now, a new documentary is telling another needed story about fashion: Jessica Lewis' documentary Straight/Curve invites us into the world of the plus size modeling industry, and it's the conversation we've been waiting for.
Filmmaker and former model for 15 years, Jessica Lewis, is capturing the stories of plus size models in Straight/Curve. The documentary, set to be released next summer, tackles issues like sample size casting, whether or not the industry should keep plus size model boards, and when plus or sample size will disappear as an issue altogether.
Despite the growing cash potential of the plus size industry, many high end labels are sticking to stick-thin models to represent their brands. But honestly, that's unsurprising: some brands are still letting young, underage teen girls walk their shows. While the industry has many issues, none are as hot a talking point as size and body positivity.
Lewis has worked in both the mainstream and plus size industry, and brings her unique perspective to the film. "This generation of models is ready to usher in a new definition of beauty — one that is all inclusive and supports positive body ideals and self-acceptance," Lewis told Glamour. “The fashion industry needs to be reflective and representative of the diversity that exists in present-day society.”
The film features interviews with models like Eva Kay, Natalie Torres, Sarah Hartshorne, and Sabina Karlsson, as well as perspectives from fashion writers, photographers, and casting agents.
As model Georgina Burke said, "The day we don't get so excited about seeing a plus size model in a magazine is the day we've made it." Amen. "I don't see this as a movement," said one agent. "I see this as evolution."
See the trailer below.
Image: Straight/Curve Film/Facebook