Heartwarming Celebrity News To Actually Be Thankful For This Thanksgiving
As a celebrity and entertainment writer, I spend most of the year being snarky, and making fun of celebrities and their foibles. It's fun, people like it, and it's the nature of the job, but on a day like Thanksgiving, it just doesn't feel right to snark and snarl my way through work. Thanksgiving is about looking around you and seeing all the wonderful bits, the little things in life that give you a big ole' case of the warm and fuzzies.
So for one day (and one day only), I want to talk about all the celebrity news that is genuinely good, and that we'd like to give thanks for. The heartwarming news stories of this year might have disappeared inside a twerking teddy bear's butt crack, but goddammit, today is the day to pull them out (oh, ew, this metaphor just got so weird) and celebrate things that have gone well for our favorite famous people.
Amanda Bynes Is Getting Better
Oh Amanda, let's all give thanks that her mental health is improving because the entire world was such crap about it for so long. But she has been deemed stable enough to stand trial for her DUI, which, although unfortunate, is a good sign that Amanda is on the up-and-up. I am thankful that Amanda Bynes will be back on her feet soon.
Lindsay Lohan Is Back!
Knock on wood, it seems this troubled starlet's days of hard partying and that horrible washed out blonde hair are over. She's made an edgy comeback in The Canyons and hosted a hilarious Chelsea Lately , so I think there is hope for the future. I am thankful that Lindsay Lohan is back on the wagon.
John Stamos Is A Really Good Guy
It's easy to fall into the trap of thinking everyone in Hollywood is beautiful but vacuous and self-centered. Hell, it's probably half true, but at least one man stands apart, and that is John Stamos. John Stamos is a stand up guy, doing stand up things like taking amputees on dates to Disneyland and taking part in adorable Full House reunions. D'aawwwww, I'm thankful for John Stamos. Period.
Pretty Much Everything About Jennifer Lawrence
OK, so an obsession/lady crush/crippling need to be friends with Jennifer Lawrence ain't exactly news, but she just gets more and more wonderful the longer she stays in the spotlight. J.Law's taken an admirable stance on not changing herself or losing weight for roles, and she's also just adorable all the time. Literally all the time. I'm thankful for Jennifer Lawrence's very existence.
Feminism Getting Ahead In The Media
This was a great year for the ladies, and we have seen so much inspiring press that it's worth noting. Strong independent ladies who don't need no man like Lorde, Laverne Cox, and Hillary Clinton stood up for our rights this year, and it was beyond awesome. I'm thankful for the fact that we are making strides toward equality.
Chris Brown Got Booked And Is Going To Rehab
OK so maybe this is a little snarky but c'mon, someone had to show Chris Brown the door. He's been acting out all year, and it's kind of reassuring to know that abhorrent behavior and general woman-hating does have a price, even for celebrities like Chris Brown. I'm thankful for the legal system finally stepping in.
Lance Bass has been growing in esteem since his bleach-tipped days in N'Sync, and we could not be more excited for his new single. Watch out JT, Lance Bass is coming for you, and he might just end up our favorite N'Sync'er when it's all said and done. I'm thankful for Lance Bass's funkay sounds.