It's not every day that we get to see real women celebrate their bodies — the kind of women you meet day to day as opposed to the models or celebs you see on the web or on your Netflix stream. It's not every day you see those gals with all their so-called flaws and imperfections, like stretch marks, cellulite, scars or bumpy bits, snap a picture and share it with the world. It's just not normal for normal women to take a selfie in a bra and underwear and post it on social media for all of cyberspace to see — which is why Curvy Girl Lingerie (CGL) of San Jose, C.A. decided to do something pretty remarkable.
On Nov. 14, CGL launched their "Regular Women" campaign after receiving requests to showcase their products on non-models. Chrystal Bougon, founder and owner of CGL, said in a press release, "Inspired by a customer, I wanted to show that women with rolls, bumps, lumps, scars, stretch marks, surgery scars and natural breasts that have nursed babies can be stunning and beautiful." So in order to do that, what better than to let dozens of women post lingerie photos of themselves on CGL's Facebook page showcasing their natural, untouched, unedited bodies? Within three days of the campaign launch, the site had 3,500 new followers and a ton of lingerie shots of real women flooding their newsfeed.
No matter what you find attractive, there's no denying that this campaign is cool. Whether or not you like curvy women or men, the basic premise that all bodies are beautiful is indisputable, since how we perceive beauty is such an individual thing and (gasps) everyone has their own opinion. And that's what Bougon has tried to demonstrate. At no point did she say "big is better" or "let's promote obesity." She just said it's time to celebrate ordinary people.
Here are some photos of participants in the "Real Women" campaign.
Images: Curvy Girl Inc./Facebook