Summer vacation season has officially started! What this means is people will be “summering” here, there, and everywhere. While Memorial Day was the unofficial start to the summer vacation season, Fourth of July is when people start taking vacation super seriously, and do so all the through Labor Day. I can already smell the cheeseburgers and hot dogs on the grill. But when it comes to vacation, not everyone does it the same way. Some people think a couples vacation means sitting on the beach drinking pina coladas for 10 days straight while others think camping, in a place where room service is but a dream, is the only way to relax. Chase Ultimate Rewards conducted a survey to see where couples are going this summer, who’s planning it, who’s spending what, and all that good stuff.
Although the survey found that 53 percent of couples are “more inclined to take a trip together this summer,” the details and the idea of what constitutes awesome vacation material differs between the genders. For example, 46 percent of men think a “romantic” vacation is one that their partner would also consider perfect, whereas only 36 percent of women could call their perfect vacation “romantic.” Interesting.
When it came down to things not so romantic, the survey found that arguing, at least for 31 percent of couples, was just part of the whole wonderful experience. But what were the most common things couples fought over? Here are the top three.
1. Money
If money is the biggest concern when couples aren’t traveling, then it’s sure as hell going to be the biggest concern when they are traveling and probably spending more money than usual. Of those surveyed, 41 percent said that when it came to disagreements with their partner on vacation, it was money and the amount of it being spent that came in first.
2. Technology Use
Not far behind money, at 37 percent, came technology use. Whether it was because their partner couldn’t stop checking Facebook or they're in a committed relationship with their cell phone, technology use was what angered over a third of couples most.
3. Daily Activities
I know, for a fact, the reason I prefer to travel alone is I don’t believe in schedules and no two people can agree on how to spend their day, especially in a place they’ve never been. So it’s no surprise that 36 percent of couples said that daily activities is the thing that pushes them and their partner into a pissy mood. In those cases, I say just part ways and meet up for dinner later.
Images: uditha wickramanayaka/Flickr; Giphy(3)