Watch Channing Take On An Epic Stunt

Jean-Claude Van Damme recently took on a pretty damn epic stunt when he decided to do the splits between two Volvo trucks in the name of American consumerism — then Channing Tatum tried to mimic said splits. Spoiler alert: Tatum did not do quite as well as Van Damme. It's OK, Channing Tatum, we can't do the splits, either.
Tatum performed the stunt as his 21 Jump Street character Jenko (while on the set of the sequel, 22 Jump Street), and the video includes text which spells out that "this test was set up to demonstrate the stability and precision of the food carts on the set of 22 Jump Street. It was carried out by unprofessionals in an unsupervised area."
The test did not seem to end well for Channing's... Tatum, but it's not like it's the first time that's happened; Tatum once told Chelsea Handler about the time some scalding water burned his penis on set. He commented that "I'm good… now. Now my penis is fantastic! One hundred percent recovered. Put me back in the game, Coach."
Well, back in the game he went, and look what happened!
This is why we can't have nice things.
You can witness his splits "stunt" below, the video that inspired it, as well as the tale of the last time he injured himself on set.
Image: ChanningTatum/YouTube