15 Lazy Girl Style Hacks For Work

Girl, you work hard for the money, you shouldn't have to hustle hard for your career fashion, too. That's why you deserve a few lazy girl style hacks for work. Seriously. We all have better things to do in the morning than sweat what we're going to wear to the office. We have feeds to update, glorious morning kisses to share, and copious amounts of coffee to drink.
Imagine if you weren't running 15 minutes behind each day. If you woke with a leisurely stretch, knowing that your clothing was already selected. That you could grab the closest pair of shoes, because there were no footwear dilemmas to agonize over. You could arise calm and collected, trusting that your only concern was if the bakery would still have chocolate croissants. Because with your 15 new lazy girl style hacks, you no longer have to worry about ripped pantyhose, torn seams, outfit selection, or forgetting your wallet. Life is sweet.
1. Create your own uniform
Hang tight before you cringe, and check out Matilda Kahl's epic article Why I Wear the Exact Same Thing to Work Every Day. Maybe your version won't be so austere, but the simplicity of this idea certainly lends itself to lazy-girldom. The decision is already made.
2. Lay out clothes the night before
Don't forget this classic morning hack. It has worked for you since the first day of school.
3. Employ the bag in a bag
If you have a universal wallet that can also function as a clutch, this will be your bag in a bag. It's always ready to go and slip inside your work purse or briefcase. No need to dig through side pockets or reorganize. A girl can get lost in there.
4. Worry less about scuffed shoes
If your patent leather pumps or purse are looking a bit worse for the wear, give them a once over with some glass cleaner and soft cloth. You'll look brand new.
5. Learn the easy ironing trick
If your love for all things vintage extends to wearing shirts that wrinkle, a quick solution is turning the blouse inside out before ironing. No getting caught on buttons or bothering with undoing each one and then doing them back up. You're a master of efficiency.
6. Have emergency office makeup on hand
This is not vanity. This is a real thing, employed by brilliant people across the globe. Keeping a small makeup bag with basics such as mascara, brow pencil, and a subtle lipstick can be a game day champion maker. If you're already running late for work, you saved yourself 15 minutes. Just slip off to the ladies' lounge once you're settled in the office, employ a few lazy girl beauty hacks, and you're in business.
7. Streamline your shoe selection
Maybe your weekend shoe selection is through the roof, but for the work week, kArticleseep it to two pairs: power heels and cute, run around flats. A neutral tone in both pairs will make them work with every outfit you may wear. Minimize decisions during game time.
8. Avoid deodorant blues
You streaked white deodorant up your silky blue sweater. Boo. Remove rogue deodorant by rubbing the offending stain with (non-staining) jeans.
9. Dry clean at work
Start-ups the world 'round are competing for your brains. Take advantage of the perks and utilize on-site dry cleaning drop off. No side perks at your non-profit? Curbside drop off and pick up dry cleaners make life that much easier when your butt is lazy. Laundry service is a godsend.
10. Travel wrinkle-free
If you log frequent miles traveling for work, pack your clothes in the dry cleaning bag. It reduces wrinkles and ensures your suit arrives clean.
11. Keep your legs classy
If you're more Courtney Love than Duchess of Cambridge in your pantyhose, spray them with hairspray before you leave the house. Lazy girls hate having to replace torn tights in the middle of the day.
12. Carry a sharpie
Realize that your stitching is showing through on your black pants, your (pseudo) leather boots are looking weary, or your soles are wearing thin? A black sharpie is a lazy girl's best friend. It takes the place of sewing, buying new kicks, or a visit to the shoe repair. Just stroke lightly on trouble spots until the obvious signs of trauma are camouflaged.
13. Carry time-saving essentials with you
Don't be caught crying on your next business trip. Working women on the go should keep a carry on suitcase stocked with essentials like tampons and toothbrush. For super proactive lazy girls, stashing an extra set of makeup in your suitcase means never having to pack it again for work trips.
14. Create a style system
Referring to strategy #1 above, find one style of pants that look great, and one wrinkle-free blouse that you kill it in. Get several of each. Now. Here's your secret for style success. Organize your accessories into easy to find groups and repeat after me.
- Monday: scarf
- Tuesday: statement necklace
- Wednesday: bare neck and bold earrings
- Thursday: menswear tie
- Friday: free for all
Repeat forever. The varying accessories create a totally new look for each day, your neutral flat or power pump anchor the look, and your well-fitting base clothing provide the perfect foil. No one will catch on unless they're doing it, too.
15. Skip the fancy 'do
A cascading blowout looks dynamite, but do you really care that much? You're at the job for your brains, not your mind-blowing beauty. If your lazy girl tendencies hit full stride when it comes to hair, updos are a great lazy girl style hack. Try any of these six easy hairstyles that don't require a hairtie or hot tools to look pulled together without all the work.
Images: Fox Searchlight; Getty Images (1), Giphy (6)