Does Coconut Oil Or ACV Have More Beauty Benefits?

The battle of the best multipurpose, natural beauty ingredient is on. Both coconut oil and apple cider vinegar (ACV) have long been touted as sorts of multipurpose-miracle products when it comes to natural skin and hair care; and with good reason. Both can be helpful in a variety of ways without using any synthetic properties or breaking the bank. But which one is better? Depending on your needs, the answer could change. But for all the different problems these two ingredients solve, they can also solve some similar ones due to their comparable properties.
When it comes to conditions of the skin, both coconut oil and ACV have a hand in staving off bacteria. The Lauric Acid in coconut oil is effective against some types of both bacteria and fungi, while the acetic acid in ACV can kill some bacteria and cause other types to stop from multiplying or spreading. Both coconut oil and ACV can even help with heart health and weight loss. So if you're looking for a beneficial catch-all ingredient, here are some other purposes for which either coconut oil, ACV, or both can also serve. While either one can help in many different ways, using both in your beauty routine can almost cancel out the need for anything else.
Dandruff Treatment: When it comes to dandruff, both COCONUT OIL and ACV can help treat it. Massaging coconut oil into the scalp will help add back moisture and even stimulate hair growth, while spraying in a solution of equal parts ACV and water (and waiting 15 minutes) before rinsing will help stave off flakes.
Smoothing Treatment: If frizzy locks is a problem, COCONUT OIL can help. Take a pea-sized amount and warm it up in your hands before smoothing it over any areas that need to be tamed.
Hair Rinse: Dilute ACV with water and use it as a hair rinse after shampooing. It will help clarify any product buildup, condition the hair, restore hair's pH balance, and stimulate growth. Kind of a miracle rinse, no?
Conditioner: COCONUT OIL has amazing moisturizing properties that are perfect for keeping hair hydrated. Us it in place of your regular conditioner in the shower, or even as a leave-in treatment on towel-dried locks.
Makeup Remover: Instead of an expensive cleansing oil, try COCONUT OIL instead. Warm some up in your hands before massaging it into a dry face. Even the most waterproof makeup will melt away.
Toner: Whether you suffer from psoriasis or acne, ACV can help reduce inflammation and prevent breakouts. Just rub a soaked cotton ball over trouble areas for clearer skin.
Moisturizer: Switch out your nightly moisturizer for COCONUT OIL. Your skin will gladly soak up the extra hydration, and the antioxidants can help prevent fine lines and wrinkles.
Eye Cream: COCONUT OIL can be used in place of an expensive eye cream. Warm a tiny amount up on your fingers and lightly dab under the eyes for a shot of moisture.
Acne Treatment: The antimicrobial properties of ACV can fight off breakouts caused by bacteria. Apply a solution of one part vinegar to three parts water and leave on the skin for about 10 minutes before rinsing to help reduce breakouts and balance the pH of skin.
Anti-Aging Treatment: The sulfur in ACV can combat signs of aging, especially age spots. Dab some on any trouble areas before you go to bed, and leave it on overnight to help reduce the appearance of age spots.
Lip Balm: Lost your Chapstick again? Just smooth a little COCONUT OIL over chapped lips to soothe and heal them.
Teeth Whitener: If you don't want to drop big bucks or are scared of having sensitive teeth, you can naturally whiten teeth with both COCONUT OIL and ACV. Oil pulling can help make teeth whiter and improve oral health, while swishing ACV can help remove stains and kill bacteria. Just make sure to follow both options by rinsing with water and brushing teeth so there is no residue.
Cuticle Treatment: If you have dry or cracked cuticles, just rub a little COCONUT OIL over them to help heal and even prolong your manicure.
Body Scrub: For a moisturizing body scrub, mix a handful of salt or sugar into COCONUT OIL.
Bath Soak: ACV draws toxins out of the body, so the next time you want to tone your skin, add a couple of capfuls to your bath.
Shaving Cream: COCONUT OIL makes a wonderful shaving cream because it keeps the skin moisturized, which will help stave off that post-shave dryness and irritation.
Sunburn Treatment: If you've spent too much time in the sun, slathering on a little COCONUT OIL can help relieve redness and irritation. If your sunburn is a little more serious, apply a towel saturated with ACV to help relieve pain and minimize peeling.
Deodorant: Although they won't help with perspiration, both COCONUT OIL and ACV will help control odor. DIY a coconut oil deodorant by mixing in some arrowroot powder, or just slap some ACV on your underarms to neutralize any displeasing scents.
Images: Meal Makeover Moms/Flickr; Giphy (3)