#ThePowerOfMakeup Is The Best Response To Shamers

In case you missed it, there's this new thing happening on social media where people are "makeup shaming" others that post selfies while wearing (gasp) makeup. To that, I say, haters gonna hate, because makeup is a fabulous, creative way to express yourself. EliteDaily found a whole slew of people who are responding to makeup shamers by only wearing makeup on half of their faces and tagging their selfies #ThePowerOfMakeup. Warning: prepare for awesome, mind-blowing pics, and to spend eternity scrolling through the feed of that hashtag.
The ridiculousness of shaming people for wearing makeup to feel beautiful and express their creativity is right up there with the #BellybuttonChallenge and the #CollarboneChallenge. I mean, I'm all for going makeup-free, but come on, it's just fun to get all kinds of glam sometimes.
Tackling the issue, YouTuber NikkieTutorials made “The Power Of Makeup” to spread the message that there is absolutely nothing wrong with enjoying makeup. To say the least, people everywhere agree. The #ThePowerOfMakeup is now trending on Instagram, and tons of users are posting incredible selfies with only half of their faces covered in makeup, showing support for Nikkie's video and proving there ain't no thang shameful about makeup.
See some of the awesome pics below and maybe even post your own!
Image Credit: CamilaXMorales, Vapidautomaton, _StevenSpaghetti, Ebires, StephneeJoy, goriz_vixen, makeupbyasma/Instagram