Who Is Vanessa Rousso On 'Big Brother 17'?

You're about to get really familiar with the Season 17 contestants of Big Brother . After all, as the title implies, the houseguests are constantly monitored, allowing fans to know them pretty intimately. But before we get one step closer to finding out who will win the $500,000 prize, let's get to know one of the Big Brother Season 17 contestants, Vanessa Rousso.
Rousso's Twitter bio describes her as a "Professional Poker Player, DJ, Music Producer, Author, Lifelong Learner, and Lover of Life." (Unfortunately her tweets are private, making it harder to keep tabs on exactly what's current with her.) Luckily, she has her very own Wikipedia page, which gives us more insight into her background.
While we know her by "Vanessa Rousso," she reportedly also goes by her Pokerstars screen name "Lady Maverick." According to her Poker-King profile, although she was born in New York, Rousso spent part of her childhood in France and even has dual citizenship there and in the United States.
Rousso's fellow Big Brother housemates should be warned — she's very smart! She was her high school valedictorian and, as her Poker-King profile points out, even scored a full academic scholarship to Duke University. (She went on to graduate with her B.A. in Economics.)
Want to know more about this contestant? Here's what I was able to decipher from her Instagram feed.
She Loves Cars
Just check out her amaaaazing Thunderbird.
... Like, Really Likes Cars
So much that she customized her billiards table to look like one!
She's Mastered The Art Of The Selfie
Good lighting? Check. Awesome backdrop? Check.
She's A Dog Lover
This settles her stance on the dogs vs. cats debate.
She Can Totally Kick It Old School
Lovin' the rollerskates!
She's Multi-Talented
Amazing poker play and she's musically inclined!
She Has Serious Foodie Potential
Those tapas look incredible.
Image: Sonja Flemming/CBS