Brad & Angelina Are Totally Winos

In case you were wondering if Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie are still living a life way more absurdly glamorous than your own, spoiler alert: they are. If your life, like mine, involves eating Doritos while blogging about pop culture in yoga pants riddled with holes then that's not to hard, but still: Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie's wine label just got named the best Rosé in the world. Because of course it did. And wait, they have a wine label???
Yes, they do.Because being among the most wealthy, good-looking, and well-known people in the world means nothing unless the winos respect you, right?
That's a feat they have achieved, as their wine was just ranked #84 on Wine Spectator's list of the top 100 Wines of the Year. Wine Spectator editor Kim Marcus wrote about the wine that it is "Refined and elegant, offering pure and concentrated flavors of dried red berry, tangerine and melon. The focused finish features flint and spice notes, with a hint of cream."The wine is called Chateau Miraval Rosé 2012 and is made — you guessed it — at the couple's Chateau Miraval, which Us describes as a "35-bedroom estate with adjoining 1,200-acre vineyard, which they purchased in 2012 for $60 million," stats which may have made us spray Dorito dust everywhere. Of course, because they're the Jolie-Pitts and they like being world-famous movie stars while doing stuff that, like, benefits the world or whatever, they also auctioned off an autographed barrel of the wine for a charity devoted to rebuilding Democratic Republic of Congo's region Kivu, which borders Rwanda and has been subjected to horrific violence. They may have this whole "life" thing pretty down-pat, huh?