Boy, oh, boy, did Ian really step in it on The Bachelorette. For some reason, our favorite Princeton runner (and don’t forget accident survivor and globe traveler, if you’re counting self-proclaimed adjectives) decided to tell Kaitlyn exactly how he felt about her on The Bachelorette, and Ian was super insulting while he was doing it. First of all, just to start things off — you can’t say, “I’m just being honest with you” and expect someone not to be offended with what you’re saying, especially if you’re about to say some really crappy stuff. Ian told Kaitlyn that he felt like she was a surface-level person, that she wasn’t as deep a thinker as he was, and that he wanted the girl that got her heart broken by Chris Soules. Um, what kind of “knight-in-shining-armor” complex do you have, Ian?
Luckily, Kaitlyn gave it right back to him, telling Ian that he may not have seen her deeper side, but she has yet to see his goofy, fun-loving side. Girl, I can tell you right now that Ian definitely does not have a goofy side. Dude probably irons his underwear. After a few more words, Ian ducked out and hopped out of the Bachelorette world forever — or did he? If Ian gave you his opinion, he sure thinks he's suitable for a new role.
In the farewell car ride, Ian said,
“I don’t find that women have trouble relating to me because I’m too deep ... I feel like I know what it takes to be the Bachelor. I feel like I’m destined to be the Bachelor and destined to find love on this show ... If I was made Bachelor I think [women would] come out of the woodwork, man. I think they’d be like, ‘Oh s**t, I wanna go out with that guy. He’s so deep.’”
Unluckily for him, Ian said this on national television, and the people were not clamoring on Twitter for him to become the next Bachelor.
Ian, the only way you can be the Bachelor is not to lobby to be the Bachelor. You also can’t be a complete jerk on national television. Good luck getting a date now, buddy. At least you can vouch for your own self, because no one is coming near you right now.
Image: Rick Rowell/ABC