Will Hulu Or Netflix Be Hungry For 'Hannibal'?

Well, this is most certainly some less-than-delicious news: According to The Hollywood Reporter, NBC has canceled Hannibal after just three seasons. But wait! Before you slide out of your chair and assume the fetal position, there might be some hope left for the beloved, critically acclaimed scripted series about a cannibal: Martha De Laurentiis, Hannibal’s executive producer, told BuzzFeed that they “are presently exploring other distribution options.” Oh, really? Any chance those "distribution options" include Netflix or Hulu, aka the heroes of fallen TV shows? Might an on-demand streaming media provider tie a cape around its neck, swoop in, and save Hannibal? I don't have a crystal ball or anything, but I could totally see Netflix or Hulu welcoming Hannibal with open arms.
Let's take a look at some of Netflix's acts of cancellation gallantry: there are the visually stunning thrillers/mysteries (The Killing, Longmire), and there are the series with cult followings ( Degrassi , Arrested Development ). Huh. You know what show fits into both of those categories? Rhymes with "wannibal." And over on Hulu, the rescue that comes to mind is The Mindy Project. Like Hannibal, that series boasts a devoted fan base, but not exactly the highest ratings. Sounds like Hulu appreciates the finer things in life. And by "finer things in life," I mean "awesome shows with awesome fandoms."
Keep your heads up, Fannibals, for the battle hasn't been lost yet. "Hannibal is finishing his last course at NBC’s table this summer," showrunner Bryan Fuller said in a statement, "but a hungry cannibal can always dine again."
Image: Sophie Giraud/NBC