Celebrity Selfie Experts: Beyonce, Miley Cyrus, Justin Bieber & more
Thanks to a little app called Instagram, 2013's Oxford Dictionaries word of the year is "selfie," beating out other trendy words like "twerking," "KimYe," and "cronut." Oh 2013, how diverse and literate you are. In case you have just arrived on this article page after stepping out of a time traveling vessel, let me offer you a definition this word. A "selfie" is a photo taken by oneself, of oneself, usually with a cell phone and often posted on social media. How we arrived at such a solitary form of self-indulgence is yet to be determined, but even some of the Internet's favorite celebrities have become experts at selfies. From King Bey to Justin Bieber, check out some of social media's most expert celebrity selfie-ists.
Image: Instagram/NickJonas
When Beyonce first launched her personal Instagram account, the crowd, er, Internet, went wild. We finally had an insider view into the glamorous life of our favorite family. We got to see personal baby pics of Blue Ivy, the occasional glimpse of hubby Jay Z, and most importantly, a bevy of King Bey selfies. She even dressed up like an Instagram of herself for Halloween. An Instagram of an Instagram? It's Instagram inception!
Image: Instagram/Beyonce
Miranda Kerr
Although she's recently been in some hot water for posting altered pictures of herself on her account, Kerr's Instagrams make us envy her eternally nonetheless. While Orlando Bloom's face has been fairly absent from her pics, baby Flynn will make the occasional appearance, like this adorable Halloween picture of the two in costume.
Image: Instagram/MirandaKerr
Justin Bieber
"Really, a pimple on my lip. It's over with for pimples.. Where's my proactive at ?" Justin Bieber, King of selfies and social media in general, captioned this close up selfie. TMI, Biebs, TMI.
Image: Instagram/JustinBieber
Certainly one of the most fun accounts to follow, RiRi's selfies usually involve a lack of clothes, often involve smoke rings seductively exiting her lips, and always involve a killer, body contorting pose.
Image: Instagram.com/badgalriri
Kim Kardashian
Oh Kim. Did you really have a child just a few months ago? Because from all of these ultra-revealing selfies, we can't plausibly believe it.
Image: Instagram/KimKardashian
Heidi Klum
Heidi Klum has fun. A lot of fun. How do we know? One glance at her many selfies and you can tell this VS vetran loves costumes, beaches, showing off her unbelievable body, and constantly transforming her look.
Image: Instagram/HeidiKlum
Miley Cyrus
Miley Cyrus captioned this pic, ""My hair is getttttting so long". But clearly her hair is not exactly where our eyes end up.
Image: Instagram/MileyCyrus
Chris Pratt
When this photo of Chris Pratt hit the internet five months ago, skeptical female fans everywhere let out a collective swoon. "That's what's been hiding under his shirt all this time?" We cried in unison.
Pratt captioned the smoldering pic: "Six months no beer. #GOTG Kinda douchey to post this but my brother made me."
Image: Instagram/PrattPrattPratt
Taylor Swift
Taylor Swift captioned this selfie, leaving her "surprised face" at the door when she triumphantly held up yet another award.
Image: Instagram/TaylorSwift