Monty Python Is Reuniting & 15 Other Reasons Why Brits Are Way Cooler Than Americans
REJOICE! The Monty Python gang is reuniting once again! It's been what feels like the entire Middle Ages since we've seen John Cleese, Terry Gilliam, Terry Jones, Michael Palin and Eric Idle perform together. In reality, it's been since 1998 that the five remaining members of the original sketch line-up (founding member Graham Chapman sadly passed in 1989) were on stage with foulness and flatulence a-plenty.
So grab your dead parrot and do your favorite silly walk because the Pythons will be back in flight soon. "We're getting together and putting on a show – it's real," Jones told the BBC earlier today. Jones also added, "I'm quite excited about it. I hope it makes us a lot of money. I hope to be able to pay off my mortgage!"
Expect a big press conference on Thursday, which will be held in the West End theater which houses the smash hit musical Spamalot, co-penned by Idle and based on the cult classic film Monty Python and the Holy Grail. These guys might be well into their 70s, but their humor is far from out-dated. In fact, Monty Python continues to influence legions of comedians and actors, so expect a big crowd on Thursday.
Until we can all shout "Ni!" into the air when we get the full details of what will surely be a legendary performance, let's take a look at a list of fellow Brits who, like the Pythons, continue to be way way cooler at getting older than us Yanks.
Queen Elizabeth II
Let's get real here, dear Queenie is the baddest bitch in Britain. Sick style: Check. Massive entourage and fly wheels: Check. International fame and attention: Check. Has a killer nickname: Check (her husband calls her Cabbage). Had a royal floatilla travel down the Thames River to celebrate her Diamond Jubilee (60 years as the Monarch): Check. Get it, Liz.
Helen Mirren
Only second to the Queen is the woman who has played Queens so many times she practically is one. She's also a stone cold fox with a wicked sense of humor. Dame Helen Mirren, we bow to you.
Ian McKellan and Patrick Stewart
Retirement is for the birds. At the bright young ages of 73 and 74 respectively, Patrick Stewart and Ian McKellan prove that you're only as old as you want to be. By the looks of their adventures together, they're putting actors half their age to shame. Science may also want to study them for the very fact that having a BFF/Partner in Crime will keep old age at bay. It makes sense — happy heart, happy body.
Dame Judi Dench
The classically trained actress won an Oscar for her role in Shakespeare in Love back in 1998 — a role for which she was on screen for EIGHT MINUTES. If that doesn't solidify her place as a total legend, I don't know what will. At the age of 78 Dench is still playing love interests, Bond bosses, and of course, royalty. Look at that demure sass, just look at it.
Bill Nighy
Look at the man on the left and look at the man on the right. Bill Nighy rocks the skinny suit way WAY better than his About Time co-star. The 63-years-young Surrey-born actor has experienced a career Renaissance ever since his role as Billy Mack in Love Actually ten years ago. Keep it coming, Bill.
Maggie Smith
For many of us, Maggie Smith first stole our hearts as Granny Wendy in Hook (a role in which she had to be aged with makeup as she was in her 50s at the time). Recently, she's completely cornered the market on "Total Boss" for her roles as the Dowager Countess and Professor McGonagall. Seventy-eight-schmeventy-eight.
Delroy Lindo
A rare occurrence: an English-born actor who actually trained in America. That's right, Lindo studied at the American Conservatory Theater in San Francisco and has been a staple on Broadway and Hollywood ever since for his commanding presence.
Michael Caine
There is only one person on earth who could actually out-cool Morgan Freeman in the freakin' Batman series, and that is one Michael Caine. You're also reading this slide in his accent. It's okay, we all do it.
Lenny Henry
The Comedy of Errors at the National Theatre was one of 2012's biggest stage hits in London and marked Henry's welcome return to Shakespeare as Antipholus of Syracuse. One of the writer/actor/comedian's greatest accomplishments is co-founding the massive charity Comic Relief.
Anthony Hopkins
Sure, Sir Anthony Hopkins (yes, he's a Knight) might play some of the most terrifying villains of stage and screen history, however, did we not all giggle and swoon a bit when he wrote a fan letter to Brian Cranston and the cast of Breaking Bad for their incredible work? Yep, Anthony Hopkins was... adorable. And remains a complete badass/one of the greatest living actors of all time.
Billy Ocean
Don't ever get out of our dreams Billy, you and that suit are awesome.
Alan Rickman
The voice! The villainy! The countless people who try to do an impression of him! Alan Rickman is somewhat of an enigma in Hollywood. He's one of those actors who is hard to typecast, but whatever he's cast in you sort of feel like Alan Rickman was the only person meant to play that role.
Julie Andrews
Seventy-eight must be some sort of magical age, because seriously, the woman is glowing. Has it been proven that singing showtunes keeps you young? If so, I apologize to all the musical theater friends I had in college whose Sondheiming drove me crazy.
Ben Kingsley
Still cooler than Han Solo.
And for Future Reference: Idris Elba
Idris Elba is only in his 40s and showing just the slightest salt and pepper but by the looks of things, he's pulling a Clooney and will only get better with age. Looking forward to having you around, Mr. Elba. Cheers.