21 Photos That Perfectly Capture President Obama Being A Loving & Dedicated Dad, Despite His Demanding Job
Father's Day is a great time to call your dad and thank him for everything he's done for you. Maybe your dad is like mine, and most of the time you spend with him just consists of ridiculous jokes that embarrass you in front of your friends. But those jokes just contribute to his awesomeness, and you know he would give you the world or protect the United States for you. There are two lucky ladies out there whose dad is actually tasked with running the country, and somehow he manages to do it while also being an amazing father. President Barack Obama is a great dad, and he's got the photos to prove it.
Obama has two daughters, Malia, 15, and Sasha, who’s 13, according to TODAY. He said his daughters know he “loves ‘em to death,” even if he “teeters on the edge of being embarrassing sometimes.”
He said he and his wife, First Lady Michelle Obama, don’t really have to be strict parents, because the girls “have their acts together.” He said his moments being a father are the memories he will savor:
“When you're on your death bed, that's the stuff you're going to remember: you holding hands with your daughter and taking them to the park and pushing them on a swing and hearing them laugh,” Obama told TODAY. “You just want to make sure you don't miss out on that.”
Here are 21 photos that show how Obama is making sure he never misses those crucial moments being the best dad that he can be.
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He Understands How Important It Is For A Dad To Be There
In his TODAY interview, Obama said he didn’t have a strong connection with his own father, so he made a promise to himself as a young adult that he would be there for his kids’ ballet recitals, soccer games, and parent-teacher conferences.
He Knows How To Get Out Of The House For Quality Time
Obama is often pictured biking with his daughters, walking through parks with them, or on vacations to new places. He understands that time spent together means more than just sitting around the dinner table.
He Trusts Their Ability To Handle His Position And The Media
Obama told TODAY that his daughters don’t take his position as president for granted, but they also haven’t developed attitudes from the privileged bubble of the White House. He has taught them a sense of humility and practicality.
He Shows His Love For Them And Their Amazing Mother, Unconditionally
“Younger parents… ask me why it is that Malia and Sasha turned out so well,” Obama told TODAY. “I say, ‘Well, first of all, you know — marry somebody who’s going to be a great mom,’ which I did. But second of all, unconditional love sure makes a difference.”
He Doesn't Get Frustrated With Them When Their Teenage Quips Show
During last year’s turkey “pardoning,” for the White House Thanksgiving, the two teens showed a bit of sass. When Obama asked daughter Malia whether she would like to pet the turkey, named Cheese, she responded, “Nah,” according to Gawker. I mean, the turkey pardoning has to get old, and Obama understood that. He didn’t get mad. He just retained his goofy dad smile.
He Isn't Afraid To Get Silly With Them
Just because he’s president doesn’t mean he can’t make some goofy faces sometimes. Obama is the king of letting loose and getting silly. The video of him using a selfie stick proves he isn’t afraid to embrace his awkward dad side.
He Takes Their Political Views Seriously, But Doesn't Force Them To Share Everything
Obama told today that he talks more with Malia more than Sasha because Sasha finds him a little more embarrassing. He said he and Malia will have political discussions at dinner where they might debate something he’s done, but that “she has a pretty good head on her shoulders.”
He Teaches Them That Power Can And Should Be Used To Do Good
Every Thanksgiving eve, the Obama family helps pack and distribute bags of food through the Capital Area Food Bank in Washington D.C. Obama taught his daughters the importance of giving back to the community while also building his relationship with them.
He Shares New And Exciting Experiences With Them
Obama understands that great memories are made from new, exciting experiences. He often travels with his daughters and tries to introduce them to new places and cultures.
He Keeps Them Close To His Side When They Do Travel Together
Physical closeness is important in a family, and Obama gets that. He’s always pictured standing close to his daughters or with one arm around them.
Regardless Of How Old They Get, He Still Holds Hands With Them
This is something you don’t always see a father do, but it’s an adorable trait that expresses love and a desire to maintain a bond regardless of how hard those difficult teenage years can be.
He Supports Them In Whatever They Want To Do
In July 2012, on the day the Supreme Court overruled a ban on same-sex marriage in California, Sasha wore a rainbow tote allegedly in support of gay marriage, according to Hollywood Life. The move was attacked by conservative news sources, but her dad didn’t issue a statement or reprimand her. He allows his daughters to express their views as they see fit and that’s pretty darn awesome.
He Doesn't Take The Oval Office Too Seriously When He Doesn't Have To
Yes, Obama is the president, and yes, his job is pretty serious. But he’s not afraid to use the White House for the giant, awesome home that it is sometimes. According to his interview with TODAY, his daughters even learned how to slide down the house’s banisters. We can only hope Obama did some banister sliding himself.
He Appreciates Beautiful Parts Of The Country With Them
Obama loves getting outside with his daughters, because the U.S. has quite the amazing list of natural wonders and outdoor activities.
He Educates Them About The Serious Issues Affecting The U.S.
Obama visited Selma, Alabama, on the 50th anniversary of Bloody Sunday, to take part in a march across the Edmund Pettus Bridge with his daughters. He said he hoped they would be reminded “of their own obligations” to continue fighting for civil rights in the U.S., according to the Daily Mail:
“There are going to be marches for them to march, and struggles for them to fight,” Obama said. “And if we’ve done our job, then that next generation is going to be picking up the torch, as well.”
He Shares Family Moments With Their Furry Friends
The Obama family has two Portuguese Water Dogs: Bo (pictured) and Sonny. It must be pretty hard to make sure the White House stays clean, so it’s pretty great that Obama allows his daughters to have two dogs — and that he joins them on walks in the park!
He's Always Around For Holidays At The White House
Yeah, Obama probably has to be at the White House for every holiday since they’re usually widely publicized events, but it’s still wonderful that he spends time with his daughters and makes the days memorable.
He Seems To Give Wonderful Dad Hugs, And Dad Hugs Are The Best
Obama is often pictured hugging his daughters or slinging his arm around them to show them how much he cares. After all, Obama is still a person, and I bet he hopes his daughters are proud of all his hard work.
He Lets Them Stand Out With Their Own Unique Styles
If there’s one awesome thing about the Obama family, it’s probably that they’re one of the top five best-dressed first families in history. Michelle’s awesome arms and colorful dresses are always on point, and Malia and Sasha somehow manage to look cute, young, and on-trend without looking overdressed. Those jackets are a great representation of how great it is that Obama doesn’t make them blend into the crowd.
He Takes The Time To Show Them How Important Education Is
Obama went book shopping with his daughters at the Politics and Prose bookstore in Washington D.C. on Small Business Saturday, an event held once a year after Thanksgiving to champion the economic benefits that small businesses bring to communities. He bought 17 books with his daughters and was applauded when he made a dad joke that probably embarrassed Sasha, according to The Hill:
“Do I get a discount for that?” Obama said as he picked up a baby in the store. Bravo, Obama.
He Understands That Being A Good Dad Means Juggling And Making Sacrifices
During a weekly radio show for the White House, Obama talked about what it means to be a good parent. He called his job as a dad “the most important job many of us will ever have,” according to Essence:
“Being a good parent — whether you’re gay or straight; a foster parent or a grandparent — isn’t easy,” he said. “It demands your constant attention, frequent sacrifice, and a healthy dose of patience. And nobody’s perfect. To this day, I’m still figuring out how to be a better husband to my wife and father to my kids.”