Is It Time For Another 'Wonderful Life'?
Jimmy Stewart and Donna Reed may no longer be with us, but their arguably most famous movie may be making a comeback: It's a Wonderful Life is getting a sequel. And it's one with a premise that sounds pretty damn depressing.
The goal seems to be to get the movie up and running in time to hit theaters for the 2015 holiday season, but from the brief synopsis Variety provided it sounds like said season's not gonna be that cheery (mephasis ours):
Karolyn Grimes, who played George Bailey’s daughter “Zuzu” in the original, will return for the “Wonderful Life” sequel as an angel who shows Bailey’s unlikeable grandson (also named George Bailey) how much better off the world would have been had he never been born.
The film will be called It's a Wonderful Life: The Story Continues, but...it doesn't sound all that wonderful. Sure, it could turn out wonderful at the end when he undoubtedly makes a commitment to change, but that's straight-up A Christmas Carol.
The screenplay has already been written, by Martha Bolton and Bob Farnsworth, the latter of whom insists that “the storyline of the new film retains the spirit of the original — every life is important as long as you have friends.” Which is all well and good, we just can't help but remember when Tim Burton set out to reboot Alice in Wonderland and wrote the story to be way more Wizard of Oz.
And have we mentioned today that we miss Jimmy Stewart? Because we really miss Jimmy Stewart.
Image: Liberty Films