'Princess Diaries 3' Shouldn't Be A Remake —UPDATE

Update: According to EW, a source close to Disney has reportedly denied rumors of The Princess Diaries 3 being in the works. Disney has not released any official comment as of yet, but this update is still majorly disappointing. Princess Diaries re-watch, anyone?
Previous: Fact: I'm pretty sure my foot popped when I heard that The Princess Diaries franchise might be getting a third movie. The moment was that perfect. (If you have no idea what I'm referencing, then you have no business being excited about this news.) For other fans of The Princess Diaries, the movie was the coming-of-age story we wanted to happen to us IRL. Anne Hathaway (and her insanely shiny hair) was the perfect mix of down-to-earth and totally cool. Plus, we have to mention that her grandmother was actually the coolest person ever. Not only did Mia Thermopolis get to lock lips with Erik von Detten in the height of his post-Brink hair-gelled glory, but she ended up with the lead singer of Rooney. Basically, she conquered 2001.
As buzz builds around the third movie, the natural question arising is should it be a sequel or be completely redone? It's been 11 years since the first sequel was released, which is definitely a significant period of time. However, no one can play these roles like Hathaway and Julie Andrews. In the era where remakes are staying true to the original casts (I'm looking at you, Fuller House), The Princess Diaries should preserve the magic that made it such a classic.
Not convinced? Here's seven reasons why a sequel is the best choice.
1. Anne Hathaway
Hathaway perfectly honored the legacy of author Meg Cabot's character and, in return, the movie launched her career. One Oscar win later, the world needs to see the actress return to the role.
2. Julie Andrews
Sure, Mia's grandmother was a Sidecar-sipping, acid-tongued Queen Bee in the books, but Julie Andrews brought a warmth and classiness to the Disney-fied role. Who can forget when she inducted the trolley driver into the Order of the Rose?
3. The Running Jokes
From the scheming baron to Mia's clumsiness, The Princess Diaries has a slew of inside references (that also refer back to other Garry Marshall movies.) New series = new jokes = no.
4. Mia and Michael
Sorry, Chris Pine. Mia and Michael are totally endgame, so we need to see her ditch you for him.
5. Mandy Moore
Everyone loved to hate Mandy Moore's mean girl character, Lana. I'm totally in support of her return — and a reprise of "Stupid Cupid."
6. Improvement Upon the Original
Taking our cues from the theme of The Princess Diaries, it's important to be true to oneself. Sure, Paolo made Mia's hair insanely bouncy, but at the end, it was still Anne Hathaway stepping up to the throne.
7. Make Up for The Princess Diaries 2
If Sex and the City taught us anything, it's that a sequel, when not done correctly, can tarnish the original. Much like SATC fans want a third movie to rectify the subpar second, a third Princess Diaries movie can overcome the flaws of the second. Here's hoping the third film is a sequel, because a remake would just be giving up on everything that made the first movie magical.
Images: Giphy (7)