Big News For 'Pitch Perfect' Fans!

Big news, Pitch Perfect fans! After getting confirmation that a Pitch Perfect 3 is on the horizon, Variety revealed a set release date for the third installment of this aca-awesome franchise. It was reported on Monday, June, 15 that Pitch Perfect 3 will arrive in theaters "...on July 21, 2017, with Anna Kendrick and Rebel Wilson reprising their roles." Fans remember Kendrick and Wilson fondly as two of the film's leading Barden Bellas, Becky and Fat Amy, respectively. Of course, we'd love to see the entire original cast back for more riff-offs, a cappella-laden puns ("I can see your toner from here"), and the like. Still, it's nice to know that at least two of our original favorites are signed on for another aca-mazing ride. Moreover, the 2017 release date is decidedly less arduous of a wait than the one fans experienced waiting for Pitch Perfect 2. The original Pitch Perfect was released October 2012 and it wasn't until May 2015 (over three years, guys!) that the glory known as Pitch Perfect 2 was bestowed upon us, subsequently slaying the box office with an impressive $70.3 million opening. Fans aren't the only ones excited about the release date. Kendrick took to her Instagram account to display her elation over the confirmed Pitch Perfect 3, with the caption: "Happening #3".
While anticipation over sequels are often met with thinly veiled cynicism ("I bet it won't be as good as the original"), the Pitch Perfect franchise is one that has proven lightning can certainly strike twice. And now, with a third movie on the rise, it's hard to feel anything other than excited for July 2017. Of course, I'm sure there can be quite a few reactions had by fans learning that the Bellas are going to make a third go-round. Just for fun — and for the love of Pitch Perfect GIFs — let's take a look at some reactions people may be having in anticipation of Pitch Perfect 3.
"This Is Aca-Awesome!"
"July 2017 Isn't All That Far Away..."
It's really not that far, guys.
"Actually, I Don't Want To Wait Until 2017. Can Pitch Perfect 3 Happen RIGHT NOW??"
Some of us wanted to see a third Pitch Perfect installment the second the credits rolled on Pitch Perfect 2 — and by "some of us" I mean all of us.
"I Am So Psyched That Becky & Fat Amy Are Coming Back!"
Although we'd love confirmation on the rest of the cast, the fact that Becky and Fat Amy are going to be in Pitch Perfect 3 should yield a resounding "YAS!" from all fans.
"Will There Be More Riff-Offs In Pitch Perfect 3?"
No Pitch Perfect movie would be complete without at least one riff-off. Case in point:
"What's Going To Happen To Fat Amy & Bumper?"
Fat Amy and Bumper's adorable — albeit, incognito — relationship was one of the romantic highlights of Pitch Perfect 2. Although it remains to be seen if Adam DeVine will return as Bumper for Pitch Perfect 3, featuring these two in a story arc would be amazing. Perhaps a Fat Amy and Bumper wedding could be in the works?
"Do I Have Any Red Solo Cups Left From Last Night?"
This news calls for a celebration that involves using plastic cups as instruments.
Images: Universal Pictures (1); Giphy (7)