What To Write In A Father's Day Card

You love your dad and never run out of things to say to him, but for some reason, figuring out what to write in a Father's Day card leaves you a little clueless. I get it — nothing makes me realize how bad I am at expressing myself quite like Father's Day. I always start with great intentions for crafting the perfect card message. You know, something that says, "Dad, thanks for basically being the best guy on the planet, for teaching me everything I know, for putting up with me even when you probably don't feel like it, for always being there when I've managed to mess everything up, for pretending to be interested in everything I have to say, and for being a constant reminder that not all men are jerk wads." What do I normally end up writing? "Happy Father's Day, Dad!"
Pulling together the perfect card inscription can be tough. I want something that demonstrates how much I appreciate him. But, I also don't want him to burst out sobbing after he reads it. Seriously, I just can't handle that. So, there's a fine line that needs to be walked here. How do you strike that perfect balance and write a note that's sweet, sentimental, genuine, and a little bit funny? This Father's Day, try out some of the suggestions below. Your dad will love them, and you'll cement your spot as his favorite child... if you haven't already.
1. Recall a memory from your childhood
Not only do dads love being reminded about how they shaped you into the person you are today, but they also love reminiscing on a time when they were 20 pounds lighter and had a lot more hair. If you're stuck on what to say in your card, share one of your favorite memories from childhood. Your dad will love thinking back on your younger years. Plus, knowing that you still remember a treasured memory will make him feel like father of the year!
2. Do a "top 10" list
Who doesn't love a good list? There's no policy saying that your card message needs to be a perfectly structured essay. So, break from tradition and write your dad a "top 10" list. Use anything from "Top 10 Things I Love About You" to "Top 10 Phrases Dad Uses While Watching Sunday Football." He'll be completely awestruck by your creativity. You can thank me later.
3. Write a poem
If you're feeling ready to flex your creative muscles, why not pull together a poem for your dear old d-a-d? You don't need to author something that's Shakespeare or Silverstein quality, so don't be intimidated. Your dad will just appreciate that you took the time to come up with something unique. Plus, a ton of things rhyme with "dad," so you're off to a good start.
4. Pick your favorite thing about your dad
When your dad is so amazing, it can be tough to pick the one thing you love most about him. But, selecting just one thing can help to narrow your focus, making the task of crafting your card message much less overwhelming. Maybe you love how funny your dad is, or that he's so easy to talk to. Or, perhaps he makes the best pancakes. Whatever it is, pick one thing, and build your entire note around it.
5. Make your own card
Remember all of those adorable, handmade gifts and cards you'd make in your younger years? Those don't need to stop just because you've moved past finger paints. If you're still stuck on what to scribble inside your card, divert some of your dad's focus by making his card yourself. He'll love that you took the time to put together something handmade, no matter how it turns out. Maybe you won't get a job at Hallmark. But, it's the thought that counts, right?
Figuring out what to put in your Father's Day card can be tricky, especially if your dad's not the "let's hug it out and talk about our feelings" kind of guy. This year, whip out some of these suggestions, and your dad is sure to be even more impressed with you... if that's even possible.
Images: April Moore-Harris/Flickr; Giphy (5)