Take a Look Nerds: Apple Releases Second iOS 7 Beta

Two weeks ago we gave you the scoop on Apple's candy-colored iOS 7 update for the iPhone. If you ask us, the update came out looking a little flat (no, literally—the biggest change was that the whole interface suddenly looks like it's been bulldozed back to 2D).
On Tuesday, Apple released Version 2 of the iOS 7 beta. And this time, iPads get to play along too.
Now, don't get too excited. Only registered mobile developers get a sneak peek of the beta version, while the rest of us will have to wait until Fall to get our software update fix. To hold you over, here's the lowdown on some of the new features:
The new Voice Memos got a bit more sophisticated:
You can give Siri a sex change:
Group iMessages look a little more like instant messaging, avatars and all:
The Reminders app caters to the OCD among us:
The Panoramic Camera improved its interface, so that we can avoid mistakes like these:
And finally, A NEWSSTAND IN SPACE! Or the ocean, if that's what you're into:
Photo Credit:,, Gizmodo