Lisa Turtle Gets Married Zack & Kelly Style

Out of all of the former Saved by the Bell cast members, Lark Voorhies, who played fashion plate Lisa Turtle, is probably the least interested in revisiting her old TV glory days. (Dustin Diamond obviously has a few good excuses of his own for missing the Jimmy Kimmel reunion.) I'm relieved to hear — after finding out that she was battling bipolar disease and getting the help she deserves — that Lark Voorhies recently married Jimmy Green, a music engineer she met through Facebook, according to TMZ.
Now, how's this for proof that everything we do in life is somehow cosmically connected: the love birds got hitched in Las Vegas. If this means absolutely nothing to you, allow me to take you all the way back to 1994. Picture this: Zack Morris and Kelly Kapowski. The SBTB series finale in which TV's cutest couple tied the knot by saying to hell with tradition and high-tailing it to Las Vegas, where they exchanged vows in a garden and Slater (because he's Slater) couldn't help but get involved with a strange hot girl whose ex-boyfriend was mobbed up. It's not about you, Slater.
Anyway, since Voorhies is known for being an extremely private person, I doubt a series of wedding photos will make it online anytime soon, but here's what is known: the groom wore a plaid shirt and jeans and the bride wore a wedding outfit that would cause Lisa to have a heart attack: a pink floral dress, matching hat, and sunglasses, reports Us Weekly. Reportedly, Voorhies and Green had a commitment ceremony on April 1, followed by a Las Vegas chapel ceremony on April 30. They also allegedly plan on throwing a bigger wedding next year for friends and family. Good for them — have as many weddings as you can get away with it because there's no better party in life. If you're thinking Vegas is solely for those who could give a flip about romance, prepare to eat your words: Voorhies and Green are said to not have even lived together prior to their wedding — they're as old-fashioned as Zack and Kelly.
And, speaking of Zack and Kelly, their Vegas wedding (minus Slater's antics) was also ridiculously romantic. Unfortunately, I couldn't make it to Voorhies' nuptials, but I'm going to imagine it shared quite a lot in common with the Saved by the Bell's series finale because TV is real life.
Everyone ended up in jail even before they make it to Vegas because that always happens
The groom met a stranger in the hotel lobby who offered to help him pay for the wedding by giving him a job as an escort
Lisa Turtle couldn't even when it came to all the pre-wedding drama
The wedding was called off at least once before the couple made it to the altar
Mr. Belding showed up unannounced
Very important person Jessie Spano (New York girl now) crashed the wedding last minute because there aren't 1,000 daily flights from NYC to Vegas
Best man Screech lost the ring (you had one job!)
And, finally, Zack and Kelly lived happily ever after
I mean, Voorhies and Green lived happily ever after.
You can watch the ceremony go down here: