The very last thing a drug addict needs is access to a whole bunch of drugs. Unfortunately, on Orange is the New Black, Nicky has a huge heroin stash, and there's only one person to blame for that. Fortunately it's a person I don't mind blaming anything on because she's a generally terrible person. I'm talking about Yvonee "Vee" Parker. The Season 2 resident baddie brought a bunch of heroin to Litchfield, because she just couldn't stop dealing — even from behind bars.
After Vee attacked Red, Nicky was furious and wanted to hit Vee where it hurt, so she stole Vee's stash of heroin. But, before Vee could attempt to get it back, she was mowed down by Miss Rosa who was fleeing the camp in the prison van. (Bless.) Unfortunately that left our dear Nicky in the possession of a lot of heroin, the drug that messed up her life, lead to her open-heart surgery, and ultimately landed her in prison.
As we see in the premiere, she's in no hurry to part ways with the drug. She even visits its hiding spot in the laundry room on such a frequent basis that the inmates who work there think she has a crush on them. Poor Nicky, we just want you to get better! But, hopefully with Vee gone, the drugs will dry up and Red can help Nicky back on her road to recovery, although I'm sure it's not going to happen without her addiction putting up a fight.
Image: Jessica Miglio/Netflix