This New Year's Eve, Get Inspiration From These 15 Best (and Worst) Pop Culture Kisses
The holiday season is a time when kissing should weigh heavily on our minds. There's a lot of lip action to be had between the mistletoe, the stroke of midnight on New Year's Eve, and the countless utility closets one can drunkenly sneak into at office Christmas parties. So take your inspiration — or learn what not to do — from this collection of smackeroos. Get your favorite lip gloss ready, because the holidays are coming.
Best: 'Lady And The Tramp'
I only hope that someday I too will be taken to a back alley of a restaurant and fed pasta while a fat Italian man sings to me. No, but seriously, someone share this wish with my boyfriend.
Image: Disney
Best: 'Breakfast At Tiffany's'
Audrey Hepburn would be the only woman to make holding a wet cat sexy. Or just like, holding a cat in general. This kiss is both iconic and seriously vintage, since this was in the days of film when a passionate kiss meant closed mouth rubbing on each other’s faces instead of, well, ya know, tongue action. But it still works for me!
Image: Paramount Pictures
Best: 'The Notebook'
When Rachel McAdams jumps into Ryan Gosling’s arms, causing a million hearts all over the world to swell and explode, it’s undeniably sexy. But, then again, any normal humans in this situation would also sort of knock faces. And that would hurt. Sorry, Ryan.
Image: New Line Cinema
Best: Steve and Miranda On The Brooklyn Bridge In 'SATC The Movie'
Oh my god, I’m crying even thinking about it. Miranda drinks the coffee and gets the stuff on her lip and then she’s like, “OH SHIT I TOTALLY LOVE STEVE” and then they see each other and it’s teary and adorable and also her outfit is super fierce. Miranda and Steve win my vote for best SATC couple, and also for their sexay sexay kisses. And, for the sake of our mood, let’s forget about the whole first half of Sex and the City: The Movie, okay?
Image: New Line Cinema
Best: 'Spider-Man'
See, what’s most amazing about this is how easy Kirsten Dunst makes it look to have a hot and objectively sexy upside-down kiss. Anyone who has tried it knows that there’s kind of a 2/3 hit rate, the third time being a sloopy, “whoops kinda got spit on your chin? Sorry babe”-type deal.
Image: Sony Pictures
Best: 'Titanic'
For me, what makes this kiss special is 70 percent awesome lighting, 25 percent the unusual hand sexin’, and 5 percent Kate Winslet’s complexion. Leo is great and all, but, seriously, have you seen her skin? To die for.
Image: 20th Century Fox
Best: 'Love Actually'
Well, pretty much every kiss in Love Actually could be included on this list. But especially this one. D’awwwww Hugh Grant. Back when you were less jowly and super de duper cute.
Image: Universal Pictures
Best: 'New Girl'
This kiss was sooo long in coming and it was SO FUCKING HOT. I mean, i was already head over heels with Nick Miller before any of this happened (helloooo grumpy, unambitious, and potentially Jewish — GET IN), but this kiss pretty much sealed the deal. Dude is definitely a good kisser.
Image: FOX
Best: 'Shrek'
So maybe it’s weird that two of the nine best kisses on this list are animated, but you know what? Love conquers all, and the float-y, glow-y “you’re beautiful just as you are”-ness of this kiss makes it worth a spot on the kiss hall of fame.
Image: DreamWorks Pictures
Worst: 'Game Of Thrones'
What could be bad about two hot blondes makin’ out and gettin’ down? OH YEAH, THEY’RE SIBLINGS. Ew, ew, ew, ew, a thousand times ew.
Image: HBO
Worst: 'Bridget Jones's Diary'
Has anyone else noticed that Colin Firth appears to be a god-awful kisser? There’s only so much cute and faux-Britishness Renée Zellweger can deliver out to distract us before once more we are sucked into Colin’s weird succubus mouth. Blegh.
Image: Miramax Films
Worst: 'Transamerica'
This movie is amongst my favorite ever, but like… gaaaahhh, watching this woman’s son come onto her made me die a little bit (a lot) inside. It’s weird how incestuous kisses continue to sneak onto this list. What does that tell us? Do not try to make out with family members this holiday season, even if they are your transgender father who you do not know is actually your relative. Just don’t.
Image: The Weinstein Company
Worst: Carrie Bradshaw Throughout 'SATC'
Sarah Jessica Parker’s awkward pecking with all of her boyfriends on Sex and The City just felt like a missed opportunity for the rest of us to make out with them.
Image: HBO
Worst: 'Dumb and Dumber'
Jim Carrey eating my face is a legitimate nightmare for me, so this scene strikes just a little too close to home. Also, imagine having to do this take more than once. Poor, poor Lauren Holly.
Image: New Line Cinema
Worst: Steve Carrell In Every Movie Where He Kisses
Steve Carrell is super funny and cute, but every time you watch him kiss on screen, you can just see he really doesn’t move his lips enough. So frustrating. Still, how could you not love the guy like you love lamp?
Image: Touchstone Pictures