Really Weird Things Real People Have In Their Bags
For "adulting" reasons, I recently had to purchase a new, bigger, big-girl purse. In the process of moving things over from my cross body bag to my new "Working Girl" purse, I discovered many weird things I've kept in my bag for who knows how long. After finding a spoon from a froyo place I visited at least a month ago, a scrunchie (really, what?) and a felt Christmas tree pin (it's June??), I knew I couldn't be the only person who has an odd collection of randoms in her purse. To prove my point (read: to feel better about myself) I reached out to fellow Bustler's and friends from all over the country to hear other weird things real people have in his or her purse.
For those who don't carry a purse, I view it as a form of protection. Have you ever seen The Wedding Planner? Jennifer Lopez' character, the infamous wedding planner Mary Fiore, not only carries a tool belt of all ceremony necessities around her waist at weddings, but in her every day life Fiore also carries a big purse with every essential item inside.
I think I kept weird things in my purse so I could be a little like Fiore. You know, in case a hot dude ever needed superglue to fasten body parts back onto a statue, I could pull it right out of the pocket of my bag. I'm not sure what everyone else's excuses are, but I'm certainly glad that these other real humans have real weird things in their purses.
1. Rosanne Salvatore, Bustle Senior Multimedia Editor
"Here's what's in my purse for absolutely no reason: A parachuting GI Joe!"
2. Lucia Peters, Bustle Associate Lifestyle Editor
"I just found an extremely old and battered roll of spike tape hanging out in the bottom of one of my messenger bags. I used to be a stage manager, so this may not be terribly unexpected; I'd kind of forgotten about it, though, so it was still something of a surprise to find. I have't used this particular roll in years, but somewhat miraculously, it appears to have retained its qualities of adhesion regardless. Well played, spike tape. Well played."
3. Jennifer Prandato, TIME Magazine Print/Digital Designer
"A fake lemon that I found on the ground during a bar crawl in DC. I need to get that out of there."
4. Sam Stahl, Bustle SVP of Sales
"I have zip ties in my man-purse. Along with a cigar and about 10 computer dongles. In my wallet I have 12 plastic hotel room keys."
5. Colleen Steffen, Journalism Professor at Ball State University
"A pocket saint from World War II and a copy of Leaves of Grass by Walt Whitman —both just in case. The book: It's my absolute fave piece of writing — and also my greatest fear to be trapped somewhere with no reading material. The tiny saint: Catholics went off to the first and second world wars with these in their pockets. I go around Muncie, Indiana."
6. Olivia Ward, Student at Ball State University
"I have a necklace that says 'twerk' on it in my purse. I broke the chain on it taking it out of my purse this morning so..."
7. Jessica Foster, Master's Student at Christian Theological Seminary
"In college I always carried a stuffed sheep named Fluffy in my purse. One of the first Bible studies my best friends and I lead together was John 10, particularly Jesus being the Good Shepherd. We were a little slap happy while planning and got really excited about all the sheep. April Fools Day rolled around and I ended up with sheep everywhere in my dorm courtesy of [a] very creative friend. The sheep (named Fluffy and Woolsy) went on all of our adventures from then on!"
Image: Fotolia