
Felicity's Looks of Longings Could Be About Food

by Caitlyn Callegari

If Arrow fans know one thing, it's that Olicity love is not taken lightly. During the painstaking 3 season wait for Oliver Queen and Felicity Smoak to do the damn thing, there were many tense, electric moments shared between the pair. Sure, the love is obviously mutual; however reluctant Oliver may have been about it at first. That being said, I think it’s safe to say Felicity’s feelings have always been pretty clear, as evidenced by her infamous look of longing directed towards the Arrow’s debonair alter ego. A look of such reverent love and adoration isn’t shown often or lightly, which is why I can only think of one other love that we’ve experienced in our lives that evoke the same type of all-encompassing emotion from within our souls. And that love is food.

Sure, Oliver is handsome, brave, selfless, strong, can effortlessly climb up a salmon ladder like a cat to a tree, and is also pretty apt at saving a city. But, on the other hand, food is delicious. So, yeah, Felicity, we totally get what it’s like to be in love with someone, or something, extraordinary. And we also get that sometimes, that love does not come easily.

Here are 9 times Felicity’s looks of longing for Oliver were basically exactly how you’ve always felt about food:

When Your Significant Other Confesses To Eating Your Leftovers

A friendly reminder that treason is punishable by death.

When Someone Asks If You're Hungry

Such a stupid, wonderful question.

When You're Grocery Shopping And Spy Something You Like On The Top Shelf

Just out of your reach.

When You Scroll Through Dessert Recipes On Pinterest

So... beautiful...

When Bae Wakes Up Early To Take You To Taco Bell Breakfast

And you can't believe you found someone so wonderful.

When You Come Up For Air From Your Burrito Bowl And Someone Asks If You're, "Going To Finish That"

You started it, didn't you?

When You Bite Into A Slice Of Pizza That Is Particularly Cheesy

And you find your inner peace.

The First Time You Ever Tried A Cronut

Or, as you refer to it, your spiritual awakening.

When A Restaurant Releases A Troubling Calorie Count Of Your Favorite Dish

Love means taking a stand.

Images: CW; Giphy (9)